Hurricane Frances
Projected Path September 2, :00 PM
Florida Tells 2.5 Million Residents To Flee Hurricane 86% of Florida Population will be affected
Governor issues order for all costal communities to evacuate
Friday September 3, 2004 towns closed: waiting, streets empty. Frances stalls in Bahamas.
Friday September 3, 2004 Bahamas Atlantis Hotel Bahamian International Airport
Saturday September 4, 2004 Frances arrives in Florida Fort Pierce Brevard County Malabar Cocoa Beach Orlando
September 5, 2004 First views of East and Central Florida Damage Ft. Pierce
September 5, 2004 First views of East and Central Florida Damage Jensen Beach
September 5, 2004 First views of East and Central Florida Damage Vero Beach
September 5, 2004 First views of East and Central Florida Damage Hutchinson Island
September 5, 2004 First views of East and Central Florida Damage Palm Beach County
September 5, 2004 First views of East and Central Florida Damage Stuart
September 6, 2004 First views of East and Central Florida Damage Brevard County, east of Orlando
September 6, 2004 First views of East and Central Florida Damage Orange County, Orlando
September 6, 2004 First views of North West Central Florida Damage Lake County North West of Orlando
September 6, 2004 First views of Tampa, St Petersburg area
September 6, 2004 Francis Leaves Floridas West Coast
60 of 67 Counties of Florida directly affected by Hurricane Frances. Estimated % of Citrus Industry destroyed after two hurricanes in three weeks
Now Florida faces another Chapter of 2004 Hurricane Season
Floridians are trying to decide to fly away or stick it out.