Bloody Conflict
Journal Clear everything off your desk except for your pieces of propaganda that you created for homework. Take your journal around and look at the propaganda everyone else created. Answer the following questions about 3 pieces: Who made it? What is the propaganda trying to convince you to do? How do you know?
How did economy (trade) influence America to enter World War I? Quick Review How did economy (trade) influence America to enter World War I? Tell me a story
WebQuest Rather than have me present all the information for today, I have a web scavenger hunt that you’ll complete, in order to learn it. Follow the instructions in your packet to learn about the technology used during WWI. Some of the videos may not work, if that’s the case use your sweet Googling skills to find the information.
Some Extra Help Section A- In-World-War-I.htm Section H- Extra links to help you find the answers- webquest.html