February 8, 2019 What is your most important achievement February 8, 2019 What is your most important achievement? I will collect homework while you do this.
Watch video Sojourner Truth https://www. biography
I can explain the achievements of Ancient Rome .
Essential Question What was the Pax Romana?
Essential Standard 6.E.1.2 Explain how quality of life is impacted by economic choices of civilizations, societies and regions.
Study for quizzes. Aqueducts were used to carry water. Roads were important for trade and making it easier to move the military. Rome’s 3 governments were: monarchy, republic, and empire. A republic is when you elect your leaders. The title of leader in an empire is an emperor.
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Watch movie on roads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-dKhm-hK74
Watch movie on aqueducts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN1v5FYkTLQ
Which do you think is most important. Roads or acqueduct Which do you think is most important? Roads or acqueduct. Write a paragraph explaining your answer.
Go sit with your partner and explain your paragraph.
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