ttbar + jets AOD analysis


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Presentation transcript:

ttbar + jets AOD analysis fully- leptonic (e/μ)

semi- vs fully- leptonic events (5200 sample, tid=5997) # of events fully-leptonic semi-leptonic 4/5 1/5 remove tau events 8/15 4/45 electronic muonic ee μμ lepton universality eμ 4/15 4/15 1/45 2/45 1/45 more difficult to build up adequate statistics in fully leptonic channel (1/61/12 fewer events)

Aside: Sherpa fully-leptonic cross-sections order? CoM tt (pb) (ratio to 14TeV) tt + 1 jet (pb) 14 TeV 138.22 ± 0.16% 233.81 ± 1.0% 12 TeV 98.18 ± 0.15% (0.74) 154.23 ± 0.99% (0.66) 10 TeV 64.29 ± 0.16 (0.47) 92.09 ± 0.94 (0.39)

fullyleptonic channel ‘DPD’ maker *good lepton: remove electrons in crack region (1.37<|η|<1.52) isolation requirement ΣEtΔR<0.2 <6GeV fullyleptonic channel ‘DPD’ maker basic method: two high pt leptons of opposite sign two high pt jets considered to be b-jet triggers: PassedL1_e25i || PassedL1_mu20 || PassedL1_mu40 PassedL2_e25i || PassedL2_mu20i PassedEF_e25i || PassedEF_mu20i (|| dilepton trigger?) selection: ≥2 good* leptons Ptlep>20GeV , |ηlep|<2.5 Etmiss>25GeV ≥2 jets(ΔR=0.4) with Ptjet>20GeV , |ηjet|<2.5 remove same sign lepton events implemented in AOD

additional constraints for analysis lepton definitions electron can be loose (isEM&0x7==0), medium (isEM&0x3FF==0) or tight (isEM==0) muons have bestmatch (bestmatch==1), chisquared (matchchi2<100) or comb (matchchi2<100 && bestmatch==1) this choice affects the jet multiplicity which in turn has an effect on the muon isolation (no jet within ΔR<0.2) and additional cuts (Z peak & Etmiss>35GeV) on events currently using... ≥2 loose (or better) electrons || two comb muons* || one of each Etmiss>35GeV (same flavour), Etmiss>25GeV (diff. flavour) Z peak veto implemented in histogram code relaxed cuts on mixed events * muons now isolated

loose electrons with comb muons first analysis two triggers loose electrons with comb muons

subsample(% of sample) e25i (%) mu20i both total exclusive addition of 2e15 trigger trigger passes trigger subsample(% of sample) e25i (%) mu20i both total dielectron (2.1) 75.0 0.4 1.6 77.0 (78.0) dimuon (2.2) 82.2 0.2 82.4 mixed (4.4) 20.9 28.7 32.0 81.7 fulllep total (8.8) 28.6 35.5 16.6 80.7 (81.0) electron (27.2) 51.8 1.5 2.0 55.3 muon (26.4) 0.1 60.0 60.3 semlep total (53.5) 26.3 30.4 1.1 57.8 taus (37.7) 6.0 7.2 0.8 14.0

sub-selection passes WITHOUT LEPTON DEFINITIONS *all percentages relative to original subset exclusive sub-selection passes WITHOUT LEPTON DEFINITIONS sub-sample trigger (%*) lep jet charge MET(%*) (25GeV) all dielectron 77.0 38.0 76.6 47.1 69.1 18.4 dimuon 82.4 42.6 71.1 77.8 75.7 29.7 mixed 81.7 36.6 79.0 70.6 74.2 30.4 fully leptonic 80.7 38.5 76.4 66.8 73.3 27.3 electron 55.3 5.4 55.2 2.9 muon 60.4 5.2 59.3 3.0 semi leptonic 57.8 2.3 26.0 taus 14.0 2.7 13.2 11.5 12.7 1.8

sub-selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 loose els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1 loose el & ≥1 comb mu exclusive sub-selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS sub-sample pre- def (%) lep (%) jet charge MET Z-peak (%) all dielectron 18.4 17.7 11.8 16.7 16.1 14.4 8.9 dimuon 29.7 26.9 18.6 26.8 24.2 24.1 14.8 mixed 30.4 28.5 23.6 27.8 28.4 0.4 22.8 fully leptonic 27.3 25.5 19.5 24.9 24.4 9.8 17.4 electrons 2.9 2.3 2.2 1.2 0.1 1.1 muons 3.0 1.9 1.6 1.7 semi leptonic 2.1 1.5 2.0 0.6 taus 1.8 1.3 1.4 0.5 0.9

selection passes per channel WITHOUT LEPTON DEFINITIONS exclusive selection passes per channel WITHOUT LEPTON DEFINITIONS selection subsample(% of sample) electron (%) muon mixed total dielectron (2.1) 16.2 2.2 18.4 dimuon (2.2) 28.5 1.2 29.7 mixed (4.4) 0.2 0.3 29.9 30.4 fulllep total (8.8) 4.0 7.4 15.9 27.3 electron (27.2) 0.4 0.0 2.5 2.9 muon (26.4) 1.5 1.4 3.0 semlep total (53.5) 0.8 2.0 taus (37.7) 1.1 1.8

selection passes per channel WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 loose els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1 loose el & ≥1 comb mu exclusive selection passes per channel WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS selection subsample(% of sample) electron (%) muon mixed total dielectron (2.1) 8.7 0.2 8.9 dimuon (2.2) 14.5 0.3 14.8 mixed (4.4) 0.1 0.0 22.7 22.8 fulllep total (8.8) 2.1 3.7 11.6 17.4 electron (27.2) 1.1 1.2 muon (26.4) 0.7 0.4 semlep total (53.5) taus (37.7) 0.6 0.9

number of selected events WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 loose els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1 loose el & ≥1 comb mu 20 pb-1 exclusive number of selected events WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS selection subsample(% of sample) electron events muon mixed total dielectron (2.1) 16 1 17 dimuon (2.2) 30 31 mixed (4.4) 93 94 fulllep total (8.8) 142 electron (27.2) 3 27 muon (26.4) 18 10 semlep total (53.5) 37 57 taus (37.7) 4 7 20

medium electrons with comb muons first analysis two triggers medium electrons with comb muons

sub-selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 medium els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1 medium el & ≥1 comb mu exclusive sub-selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS sub-sample pre- def (%) lep (%) jet charge MET Z-peak (%) all dielectron 18.4 13.5 9.1 12.5 12.2 10.5 6.7 dimuon 29.7 26.7 18.7 26.6 24 24.2 15.1 mixed 30.4 23.9 19.7 23.6 23.8 0.3 19.1 fully leptonic 27.3 22.1 16.9 21.7 21.1 8.9 electrons 2.9 1.9 1.8 1.0 0.0 0.9 muons 3.0 1.4 1.1 1.3 1.2 0.8 semi leptonic 1.6 1.5 0.6 taus 0.5 0.7

number of selected events WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 medium els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1 medium el & ≥1 comb mu 20 pb-1 exclusive number of selected events WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS selection subsample(% of sample) electron events muon mixed total dielectron (2.1) 12 1 13 dimuon (2.2) 31 mixed (4.4) 79 fulllep total (8.8) 80 123 electron (27.2) 23 muon (26.4) 18 2 20 semlep total (53.5) 25 44 taus (37.7) 3 7 15 24

tight electrons with comb muons first analysis two triggers tight electrons with comb muons

sub-selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 tight els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1 tight el & ≥1 comb mu exclusive sub-selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS sub-sample pre- def (%) lep (%) jet charge MET Z-peak (%) all dielectron 18.4 9.1 6.1 8.4 6.8 4.6 dimuon 29.7 26.5 18.7 23.8 24.4 15.1 mixed 30.4 19.8 16.3 19.6 19.7 0.4 15.8 fully leptonic 27.3 18.9 14.4 18.6 18.0 8.1 12.9 electrons 2.9 1.6 1.4 0.8 0.0 muons 3.0 1.3 1.1 semi leptonic 1.0 0.6 taus 1.8 0.7 0.9

number of selected events WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 tight els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1 tight el & ≥1 comb mu 20 pb-1 exclusive number of selected events WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS selection subsample(% of sample) electron events muon mixed total dielectron (2.1) 8 1 9 dimuon (2.2) 31 mixed (4.4) 65 fulllep total (8.8) 66 105 electron (27.2) 19 muon (26.4) 20 semlep total (53.5) 21 40 taus (37.7) 2 7 12

conclusion ?

backups backups

fullyleptonic CSC recipe triggers: “a combination of single-lepton and di-lepton triggers”  eμ = 97%, ee = 98%, μμ = 96% (pre-)selection: 2 high pt leptons (20GeV) at least one electron is tight  remover fake leptons isolation of electrons, ΣEtΔR<0.2 <6GeV  remove semlep bestmatch muons muon isolation, remover muons closer than ΔR=0.2 to a jet ‘off-line’ selection: Z peak veto 15-95GeV exactly 2 leptons, at least two jets Etmiss ≥ 30GeV over all channels, ≥ 35GeV same flavor, ≥25GeV mixed

loose electron and comb muons + Z veto in AOD preselection first analysis two triggers loose electron and comb muons + Z veto in AOD preselection

selection passes WITHOUT LEPTON DEFINITIONS with Z veto in AOD exclusive selection passes WITHOUT LEPTON DEFINITIONS selection subsample(% of sample) electron (%) muon mixed total dielectron (2.1) 14.8 2.1 16.9 dimuon (2.2) 26.3 1.1 27.4 mixed (4.4) 0.2 0.3 30.4 29.4 fulllep total (8.8) 3.7 6.8 15.7 26.4 electron (27.2) 0.4 0.0 2.5 2.9 muon (26.4) 1.4 semlep total (53.5) 0.7 2.0 taus (37.7) 1.8

selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 loose els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1loose el & ≥1 comb mu with Z veto in AOD exclusive selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS selection subsample(% of sample) electron (%) muon mixed total dielectron (2.1) 8.7 0.2 8.9 dimuon (2.2) 14.5 0.3 14.8 mixed (4.4) 0.1 0.0 22.7 22.8 fulllep total (8.8) 2.1 3.7 11.6 17.4 electron (27.2) 1.1 1.2 muon (26.4) 0.7 0.4 semlep total (53.5) taus (37.7) 0.6 0.9

first analysis three triggers

trigger passes with addition of 2e15 trigger exclusive trigger passes with addition of 2e15 trigger trigger subsample(% of sample) e25i (%) mu20i both 2e15 only (%) total dielectron (2.1) 75.0 0.4 1.6 0.9 78.0 dimuon (2.2) 82.2 0.2 82.4 mixed (4.4) 20.9 28.7 32.0 81.2 fulllep total (8.8) 28.6 35.5 16.6 81.0 electron (27.2) 51.8 1.5 2.0 55.3 muon (26.4) 0.1 60.0 60.3 semlep total (53.5) 26.3 30.4 1.1 57.8 taus (37.7) 6.0 7.2 0.8 14.0

loose electrons with comb muons first analysis two triggers loose electrons with comb muons +moved charge veto from AOD preselection

sub-selection passes WITHOUT LEPTON DEFINITIONS *all percentages relative to original subset exclusive sub-selection passes WITHOUT LEPTON DEFINITIONS sub-sample trigger (%*) lep jet MET(%*) (25GeV) all dielectron 77.0 38.0 76.6 69.1 33.0 dimuon 82.4 42.6 71.1 75.7 33.7 mixed 81.7 36.6 79.0 74.2 32.8 fully leptonic 80.7 38.5 76.4 73.3 33.1 electron 55.3 5.4 55.2 4.5 muon 60.4 5.2 59.3 4.4 semi leptonic 57.8 2.3 26.0 taus 14.0 2.7 13.2 12.7 2.4

sub-selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 loose els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1 loose el & ≥1 comb mu exclusive sub-selection passes WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS sub-sample pre- def (%) lep (%) jet charge MET Z-peak (%) all dielectron 33.0 32.0 23.8 31.1 29.0 28.1 17.5 dimuon 33.7 30.5 20.0 31.8 27.6 31.2 15 mixed 32.8 30.4 24.8 30.3 30.2 0.7 23.5 fully leptonic 33.1 30.8 23.3 30.9 29.3 15.1 19.9 electrons 4.5 3.2 2.9 1.8 3.3 0.8 1.4 muons 4.4 3.0 2.5 2.6 2.1 1.2 semi leptonic 3.1 2.7 2.8 1.5 1.3 taus 2.4 1.9 1.7 1.0

number of selected events WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS ≥2 loose els / ≥2 comb mus / ≥1 loose el & ≥1 comb mu 20 pb-1 exclusive number of selected events WITH LEPTON DEFINITIONS selection subsample(% of sample) electron events muon mixed total dielectron (2.1) 33 1 34 dimuon (2.2) 30 31 mixed (4.4) 97 fulllep total (8.8) 98 162 electron (27.2) 7 29 36 muon (26.4) 18 11 semlep total (53.5) 40 65 taus (37.7) 8 20