EECS 647: Introduction to Database Systems Instructor: Luke Huan Spring 2007
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Administrative Final project is due May 9th I will not accept late hand-in for the final project Start early you need to take quick action if you haven’t divided the tasks yet For those in the implementation phase (this is the right phase that you should be in), thinking about testing plans Class review is April 30th. Provide your feedbacks If you like the course, recommend it to other students 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Review What Is Data Mining? Data mining (knowledge discovery from data) Extraction of interesting (non-trivial, implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful) patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data What is classification? Predict the value of unseen data What is clustering Grouping similar objects into groups 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Today’s Topic Continue the introduction to data mining Sequential patterns Regression Knowing the nature of your data Discover association in your data 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Sequential Pattern Discovery: Definition Given is a set of objects, with each object associated with its own timeline of events, find rules that predict strong sequential dependencies among different events. Rules are formed by first disovering patterns. Event occurrences in the patterns are governed by timing constraints. (A B) (C) (D E) (A B) (C) (D E) <= ms <= xg >ng <= ws 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Sequential Pattern Discovery: Examples In telecommunications alarm logs, (Inverter_Problem Excessive_Line_Current) (Rectifier_Alarm) --> (Fire_Alarm) In point-of-sale transaction sequences, Computer Bookstore: (Intro_To_Visual_C) (C++_Primer) --> (Perl_for_dummies,Tcl_Tk) Athletic Apparel Store: (Shoes) (Racket, Racketball) --> (Sports_Jacket) 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Regression Predict a value of a given continuous valued variable based on the values of other variables, assuming a linear or nonlinear model of dependency. Greatly studied in statistics, neural network fields. Examples: Predicting sales amounts of new product based on advetising expenditure. Predicting wind velocities as a function of temperature, humidity, air pressure, etc. Time series prediction of stock market indices. 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Deviation/Anomaly Detection Detect significant deviations from normal behavior Applications: Credit Card Fraud Detection Network Intrusion Detection Typical network traffic at University level may reach over 100 million connections per day 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Challenges of Data Mining Scalability Dimensionality Complex and Heterogeneous Data Data Quality Data Ownership and Distribution Privacy Preservation Streaming Data 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Knowing the Nature of Your Data Data types: nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio. Data quality Data preprocessing 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas What is Data? Collection of data objects and their attributes An attribute is a property or characteristic of an object Examples: eye color of a person, temperature, etc. Attribute is also known as variable, field, characteristic, or feature A collection of attributes describe an object Object is also known as record, point, case, sample, entity, or instance Attributes Objects 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Attribute Values Attribute values are numbers or symbols assigned to an attribute Distinction between attributes and attribute values Same attribute can be mapped to different attribute values Example: height can be measured in feet or meters Different attributes can be mapped to the same set of values Example: Attribute values for ID and age are integers But properties of attribute values can be different ID has no limit but age has a maximum and minimum value 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Types of Attributes There are different types of attributes Nominal Examples: ID numbers, eye color, zip codes Ordinal Examples: rankings (e.g., taste of potato chips on a scale from 1-10), grades, height in {tall, medium, short} Interval Examples: calendar dates, temperatures in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Ratio Examples: temperature in Kelvin, length, time, counts 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Properties of Attribute Values The type of an attribute depends on which of the following properties it possesses: Distinctness: = Order: < > Addition: + - Multiplication: * / Nominal attribute: distinctness Ordinal attribute: distinctness & order Interval attribute: distinctness, order & addition Ratio attribute: all 4 properties 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Properties of Attribute Values Attribute Type Description Examples Nominal The values of a nominal attribute are just different names, i.e., nominal attributes provide only enough information to distinguish one object from another. (=, ) zip codes, employee ID numbers, eye color, sex: {male, female} Ordinal The values of an ordinal attribute provide enough information to order objects. (<, >) hardness of minerals, {good, better, best}, grades, street numbers Interval For interval attributes, the differences between values are meaningful, i.e., a unit of measurement exists. (+, - ) calendar dates, temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit Ratio For ratio variables, both differences and ratios are meaningful. (*, /) temperature in Kelvin, monetary quantities, counts, age, mass, length, electrical current 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Discrete and Continuous Attributes Discrete Attribute Has only a finite or countablely infinite set of values Examples: zip codes, counts, or the set of words in a collection of documents Often represented as integer variables. Note: binary attributes are a special case of discrete attributes Continuous Attribute Has real numbers as attribute values Examples: temperature, height, or weight. Practically, real values can only be measured and represented using a finite number of digits. Continuous attributes are typically represented as floating-point variables. 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Structured vs Unstructured Data Data in a relational database Semi-structured data Graphs, trees, sequencs Un-structured data Image, text 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Important Characteristics Data Dimensionality Curse of Dimensionality Sparsity Only presence counts Resolution Patterns depend on the scale 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Record Data Data that consists of a collection of records, each of which consists of a fixed set of attributes 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Data Matrix If data objects have the same fixed set of numeric attributes, then the data objects can be thought of as points in a multi-dimensional space, where each dimension represents a distinct attribute Such data set can be represented by an m by n matrix, where there are m rows, one for each object, and n columns, one for each attribute 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Document Data Each document becomes a `term' vector, each term is a component (attribute) of the vector, the value of each component is the number of times the corresponding term occurs in the document. 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Transaction Data A special type of record data, where each record (transaction) involves a set of items. For example, consider a grocery store. The set of products purchased by a customer during one shopping trip constitute a transaction, while the individual products that were purchased are the items. 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Data Quality What kinds of data quality problems? How can we detect problems with the data? What can we do about these problems? Examples of data quality problems: Noise and outliers missing and duplicated data 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Noise Noise refers to modification of original values Examples: distortion of a person’s voice when talking on a poor phone and “snow” on television screen Two Sine Waves Two Sine Waves + Noise 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Mapping Data to a New Space Fourier transform Wavelet transform Two Sine Waves Two Sine Waves + Noise Frequency 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Outliers Outliers are data objects with characteristics that are considerably different than most of the other data objects in the data set One person’s outlier can be another one’s treasure!! 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Missing Values Reasons for missing values Information is not collected (e.g., people decline to give their age and weight) Attributes may not be applicable to all cases (e.g., annual income is not applicable to children) Handling missing values Eliminate Data Objects Estimate Missing Values Ignore the Missing Value During Analysis Replace with all possible values (weighted by their probabilities) 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Duplicate Data Data set may include data objects that are duplicates, or almost duplicates of one another Major issue when merging data from heterogeous sources Examples: Same person with multiple email addresses Data cleaning Process of dealing with duplicate data issues 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
EDA: Exploratory Data Analysis Histogram Box plot Scatter plot Correlation 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Visualization Techniques: Histograms Usually shows the distribution of values of a single variable Divide the values into bins and show a bar plot of the number of objects in each bin. The height of each bar indicates the number of objects Shape of histogram depends on the number of bins Example: Petal Width (10 and 20 bins, respectively) 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Two-Dimensional Histograms Show the joint distribution of the values of two attributes Example: petal width and petal length What does this tell us? 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Visualization Techniques: Box Plots Invented by J. Tukey Another way of displaying the distribution of data Following figure shows the basic part of a box plot outlier 10th percentile 25th percentile 75th percentile 50th percentile 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Example of Box Plots Box plots can be used to compare attributes 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Scatter Plot Array of Iris Attributes 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Correlation Correlation measures the linear relationship between objects To compute correlation, we standardize data objects, p and q, and then take their dot product 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Visually Evaluating Correlation Scatter plots showing the similarity from –1 to 1. 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Discover Association Rules Apriori Algorithm 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Association Rule Mining Given a set of transactions, find rules that will predict the occurrence of an item based on the occurrences of other items in the transaction Market-Basket transactions Example of Association Rules {Diaper} {Beer}, {Milk, Bread} {Eggs,Coke}, {Beer, Bread} {Milk}, Implication means co-occurrence, not causality! 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Definition: Frequent Itemset A collection of one or more items Example: {Milk, Bread, Diaper} k-itemset An itemset that contains k items Support count () Frequency of occurrence of an itemset E.g. ({Milk, Bread,Diaper}) = 2 Support Fraction of transactions that contain an itemset E.g. s({Milk, Bread, Diaper}) = 2/5 Frequent Itemset An itemset whose support is greater than or equal to a minsup threshold 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Definition: Association Rule An implication expression of the form X Y, where X and Y are itemsets Example: {Milk, Diaper} {Beer} Rule Evaluation Metrics Support (s) Fraction of transactions that contain both X and Y Confidence (c) Measures how often items in Y appear in transactions that contain X Example: 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Mining Association Rules Example of Rules: {Milk,Diaper} {Beer} (s=0.4, c=0.67) {Milk,Beer} {Diaper} (s=0.4, c=1.0) {Diaper,Beer} {Milk} (s=0.4, c=0.67) {Beer} {Milk,Diaper} (s=0.4, c=0.67) {Diaper} {Milk,Beer} (s=0.4, c=0.5) {Milk} {Diaper,Beer} (s=0.4, c=0.5) Observations: All the above rules are binary partitions of the same itemset: {Milk, Diaper, Beer} Rules originating from the same itemset have identical support but can have different confidence Thus, we may decouple the support and confidence requirements 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas An Exercise The support value of pattern {acm} is Sup(acm)=3 The support of pattern {ac} is Sup(ac)=3 Given min_sup=3, acm is Frequent The confidence of the rule: {ac} => {m} is 100% Transaction-id Items bought 100 f, a, c, d, g, I, m, p 200 a, b, c, f, l,m, o 300 b, f, h, j, o 400 b, c, k, s, p 500 a, f, c, e, l, p, m, n Transaction database TDB 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Mining Association Rules Two-step approach: Frequent Itemset Generation Generate all itemsets whose support minsup Rule Generation Generate high confidence rules from each frequent itemset, where each rule is a binary partitioning of a frequent itemset Frequent itemset generation is still computationally expensive 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Frequent Itemset Generation Given d items, there are 2d possible candidate itemsets 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Apriori Algorithm A level-wise, candidate-generation-and-test approach (Agrawal & Srikant 1994) Data base D 1-candidates Freq 1-itemsets 2-candidates TID Items 10 a, c, d 20 b, c, e 30 a, b, c, e 40 b, e Itemset Sup a 2 b 3 c d 1 e Itemset Sup a 2 b 3 c e Itemset ab ac ae bc be ce Scan D Min_sup=2 3-candidates Freq 2-itemsets Counting Itemset bce Itemset Sup ac 2 bc be 3 ce Itemset Sup ab 1 ac 2 ae bc be 3 ce Scan D Scan D Freq 3-itemsets Itemset Sup bce 2 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Summary Nature of the data Data types: SSN Nominal Grade Ordinal Temperature (degree) Interval Length Ratio Data Quality Noise Outlier Missing/duplicated data 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas
Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas Summary Common tools for exploratory data analysis Histogram Box plot Scatter plot Correlation Association Each rule: L => R has two parts: L, the left hand item set and R the right hand item set Each rule is measured by two parameters: Support Confidence 4/10/2019 Luke Huan Univ. of Kansas