Putting the Pieces Together DNA Technology Putting the Pieces Together
Types of Technology DNA technology includes many important techniques. Gel Electrophoresis Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Restriction Enzyme Analysis Cloning Recombinant DNA technology DNA Fingerprinting
Techniques Each technique has a particular function. Let’s first examine the overall function of DNA technology
Oh The Possibilities!! Bacteria can be used to grow important proteins needed by humans. Insulin Blood Clotting Proteins Digestive Enzymes
Oh The Possibilities!! Bacteria can also be used to recycle nutrients and waste products. Some bacteria can even be engineered to clean up oil spills and chemical spills.
Oh The Possibilities Plants could be engineered that have more nutrients in them. Plants and crops could be engineered to be pest resistant (so bugs won’t eat them)
To Modify or Not To Modify?
Both Sides of the Story Pro’s Genetically modified foods (crops) can save money in the long run Genetically modified foods (crops) can be beneficial to 3rd world countries with nutritional problems CONs The long term effects of such crops are unknown Genetically modified plants can mix with natural plants and create a genetic mess
Oh The Possibilities!! With an increased knowledge of the genes within humans, medicines can be engineered specifically for individuals. Gene Therapy replaces defective genes in targeted cells (insulin gene in pancreatic cells for diabetics) Genetic testing makes it possible to know the fate of unborn children before they are born, this can prevent high-risk pregnancies.
Oh The Possibilities!! Solving crimes, testing for paternity and other legal matters are solved instantly through DNA technology techniques.
How do they do all of that?? Let’s take a closer look at the techniques used in DNA Technology
The Most Important Molecule: Restriction Enzyme Restriction Enzymes are enzymes that cut the DNA at particular locations. They are made by bacterial cells and can be taken from bacteria and used in DNA technology
Gel Electrophoresis Restriction enzymes are used to cut the DNA at a designated location. The now “cut up” DNA is loaded into a Gel An electrical current runs through the gel and the DNA pieces are separated by size The gel can then be examined.
The Purpose Gel Electrophoresis is used to compare DNA samples. Solve a crime Paternity Test Evolutionary Analysis Relatedness
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Restriction Enzymes cut DNA into pieces The desired gene is separated from the rest of the DNA. The gene (section of DNA) is put through a series of heat/spin cycles The gene is copied hundreds of times for lab use.
The Purpose The purpose of PCR is to make multiple copies of a gene. This gene can then be inserted into various organisms (bacteria or virus’) in order to make the desired protein.
Cloning In order to clone you must have two cells. 1- egg cell 1- body cell of the desired clone Remove the nucleus from the egg cell Remove the nucleus from the body cell Insert the body cell nucleus into the egg cell Stimulate egg cell with hormones to simulate fertilization Egg cell will multiply as a zygote and eventually form an indentical organism to the original one.
The Purpose Replacement organs, tissues, cells Revive endangered species Bring back extinct species
Conclusion DNA Technology has been changing the world for the past 50 years. With the use of certain techniques there are almost no limits to the future of DNA technology. Ethics plays a role in DNA technology
References http://thanhniennews.com/images/newsimages/DNA-technology-207.jpg http://aquat1.ifas.ufl.edu/guide/bacecoli.jpg http://library.thinkquest.org/03oct/01840/nov17_gordon.jpg http://www.newscientist.com/data/images/archive/2483/24833301.jpg http://fig.cox.miami.edu/Faculty/Dana/amniocentesis.jpg http://www.phil.gu.se/munthe/GenSportOH/img004.gif http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://plissken.free.fr/Covers/C/CSI%2520frt.jpg&imgrefurl=http://plissken.free.fr/Covers/C/C.htm&h=915&w=915&sz=568&tbnid=NQvhcUVeCeKbxM:&tbnh=146&tbnw=146&hl=en&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCSI%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D http://www.stanford.edu/group/hopes/diagnsis/gentest/f_s02gelelect.gif
References http://fig.cox.miami.edu/~cmallery/150/gene/c7.20.7.pcr.jpg http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.arhp.org/files/diagram5.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.arhp.org/patienteducation/onlinebrochures/cloning/index.cfm%3FID%3D282&h=227&w=428&sz=21&tbnid=pPnzj1eS0T_S2M:&tbnh=64&tbnw=122&hl=en&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcloning%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D