The Harmony Factor
Prehospital Saturday 12th February 17:48 Glamorgan Vale M: Motorcycle v car at 80km/h I: LOC, severe groin, L thigh & R leg pain 300mL blood loss PV S: HR 110, SBP 98/74, Sats 98% RA, GCS 15 T: methoxyflurane, morphine 15mg, ketamine 80mg Donway splint application 1200mL crystalloid
Arrival 19:20 AIRWAY & BREATHING CIRCULATION DISABILITY Airway patent & protected RR 20, Sats 100% NRB CIRCULATION HR 99, BP 85/43, cool peripherally FAST negative Active bleeding from vagina DISABILITY GCS 15, Temp 36.8
Pelvis Xray
First venous gas
Initial ED management CIRCULATION 3 units packed cells vagina packed Medical notes Medication chart Fluid chart INCOMPLETE DOCUMENTATION CIRCULATION 3 units packed cells vagina packed Pelvic binder removed ABs??? ADT??? Ketamine sedation??? Analgesia???
2ndary Survey Urogenital injury Long bone injuries Anterior labial laceration through clitoris no bleeding in vaginal vault Unable to identify urethra For EUA Long bone injuries
R leg XR
L wrist XR
CT scan 20:00 Open book pelvic # 12 rib # 4.5cm diastasis of pubis R SIJ diastasis Suggestion of blush R pudenal artery 12 rib #
Problem List/Injuries Compound pelvis # Vaginal laceration Urethral injury Active haemorrhage Blush on CTA R tib/fib # L radius #
Further ED management Gynaecology r/v → EUA Urology r/v → EUA & catheter placement Orthopaedic r/v → EUA & washout Surgical r/v → EUA (sigmoidoscopy)
Further ED management Interventional Radiology review given CT findings and ongoing instability IR suite – 00:00 no pelvic bleeding to account for PV loss Placed SPC
Disposition Stayed in ED awaiting EUA To OT 07:58 ED stay 12 hr 38 min
Pre-op ABG
Transferred to OT with a single pink cannula Thoughts? Transferred to OT with a single pink cannula
Progress Intra-operatively Post operatively Pre-op resuscitation & insertion of lines Maintained C-spine precautions Continued to bleed → Massive Transfusion 7 units PRBC, 9 FFP, platelets Haemostasis with 3 stitches in anterior labial wound Post operatively PE ORIF pelvis
Issues raised…. ED Documentation – need to have more senior doctors documenting Should the binder have come off?? Awaiting IR for open book C-spine clearance prior to OT Under-resuscitated prior to OT, Single cannula, ‘forgotten patient’
Issues raised…. System Junior doctors galore – no decision makers Multiple doctors identified bleeding from vulva (O & G, ortho, gen surg) yet no –one sutured it