5 weeks until the – GA Milestones Homeroom 03/08/2016 Write these important dates down in your agenda: Bring those box tops! 5 weeks until the – GA Milestones WE NEED DONATIONS! Bring hand sanitizer and/or tissue to earn Paw Bucks! HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Warm Up 03/08/16 SIT IN YOUR YELLOW GROUPS. Write your answers on a sheet of notebook paper. Then, key in your answers on the iRespond remote. If you finish early or you are waiting for a remote, continue to work in your “Maniac Magee” folder. ------------------------------------------------------- THURSDAY – H.W. “packet” due DON’T FORGET THIS ONE NEEDS A PARENT SIGNATURE!
Language Arts – Work Session 03/08/16 Essential Question: What effect does a conflict have on a story and its characters? Standard: LA.6.ELAGSE6R4– Standard: LA.6.ELAGSE6R5–
Language Arts – Work Session 03/08/16 “Maniac Magee” Vocabulary Quiz Ch. 22-32 Subject: “M.M.” Vocab. 22-32 Remember, Scantrons can only read PENCIL. When you finish, work on your Lit. Circle sheet.
Language Arts – Closing Session 03/08/16 “Maniac Magee” Lit. Circles Blue Sheet - Write your name and job title. Green Sheets – Each group member completes a specific task. Use the work in your folder to help you!
E.L.T. – Now S.T.E.A.M. 03/08/16 E.L.T./S.T.E.A.M. E.Q.: How do we use science to help us deal with severe weather? E.L.T./S.T.E.A.M. Complete the crossword puzzle entitled “Earth Day” from yesterday and submit it by today. Then, work on pages 128-134 of your yellow workbook. They are due by tomorrow.