God’s gift that will change your life forever Eternal Godhead became involved in producing the Church. Jehovah God gave His Son, Jesus Christ to the world for the redemption of the Church. Jesus Christ gave the Holy Spirit to the Church for its empowerment, preservation and perfection. The Holy Spirit gives each individual member to the Church the ability to communicate with God in a new prayer and praise language of the Spirit, a dynamo and generating inner life and power.
What the Spirit of the Lord is saying -2 Cor 13:14 Grace Love Communion of the Holy Spirit -7 Longings of the Human heart
7 longings 1)The longing to be enjoyed by God 2)The longing for fascination 3)Longing for beauty 4)Longing for greatness 5)Longing for intimacy without shame 6)Longing to be wholehearted 7)Longing to make a deep and lasting impact
Times we live in Troubles Spiritual storm Deception - Protection