Senior EV Update Gillian Westlake February 2019
Topics Revised Award. What’s new? Qualification Verification Summary Report for last Session. Looking forward.
Revised Award Session 2017/18 saw the first delivery of the revised group award. Approximately 17 Centres entered students for the new award. Approximately 19 Centres entered students for the old award. Approximately 6 Centres entered students for both the old and the new award.
What’s new? 2 new paper ASPs for Digital Technologies for Administrators. 1 new ASP for Graded Unit 3. 2 paper ASPs for Graded Unit 1.
Qualification Verification Summary Report Verification Activity Session 2017/18
Verification Group 389 Graded Unit 1, 2 and 3 - 20 Centres verified. These were a mix of visits and remote verification. Mix of old and new units. Verification Group 363 HN and NC Administration & IT units – 4+4 Centres. Mix of old and new units. Verification Group 256 Medical Administration – no Centres verified.
Areas of Good Practice Unit evaluation forms had been introduced for a number of units on the programme in one Centre. This showed that assessors were reflecting on performance and maintaining dialogue with learners. Identification of new assessors on pre-delivery checklist as high or medium risk allowing more support through the IV process.
Areas of Good Practice Candidates had the opportunity to respond to assessor feedback therefore allowing the candidate to focus on reviewing their progress. Graded Unit 3 the candidates were required to type a note of each support session attended. Graded Unit 3 one assessor used “Speed dating” to ensure all candidates had equal access to the assessor.
Areas for Development for All Centres:- Develop a system of standardisation meetings across all campuses. Adopt a policy of clear audit trails to show where work has been remediated to assist with internal and external verification. All documents relating to verification should be submitted to the Central Verification event either separately (if evidence is on SOLAR) or accompany scripts (if using hard copy).
Looking Forward in this Session 2018/19 8 HN visits arranged. 3 NC visits arranged. 3 HN Medical Administration visits arranged. One more round of allocations to be confirmed. Central and Visits Verification for Graded Unit 1, 2 and 3 to be arranged.
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