Report to Faculty Council 17 January 2019
Calculation of the Major/Minor GPA “The University will calculate major and minor GPAs based on all courses that fulfill program requirements as currently defined, plus all other courses the student has taken with the major or minor prefix. The only exception will be for those courses where grade replacement or forgiveness policy is applied.”
Calculation of the Major/Minor GPA Option A: Count every possible course for major/minor? Option B: Count only the attempt that fulfills the requirement?
Calculation of the Major/Minor GPA -- “Old rules” can apply through Summer 2019 -- Requires an Academic Petition, routed through College
2. Part Time Faculty -- Faculty Governance Structure -- Full-time faculty chair of Part-Time Committee -- Part-Time Faculty representation on Key Committees -- Election Process
3. Student Evaluations (Faculty Employment Status Committee) -- Appropriate procedures -- Review of questions -- Use in the Evaluation of Teaching
4. Non-Tenure Faculty Review Process Faculty Employment Status Committee
5. Academic Integrity (Faculty Academic Policies and Standards Committee) a. What are the outcomes of Academic Integrity complaints? -- Annual Report of AIB cases to FAPSC
5. Academic Integrity (Faculty Academic Policies and Standards Committee) b. How should we handle the rise in Academic Integrity issues in Online Classes (assuming there is such a rise)?
6. Notification of Faculty about Student Behavior (Particularly in terms of Threat Assessment) -- Dean of Students Office: happy to come to departments/Colleges and talk through the procedures
7. Hotel/Conference Center: Faculty Club? -- Five person committee working with the Chancellor and Sage Hospitality