Welcome to Ms. Calhoun’s Class! 2017-2018
7th Grade Poetry Slam
Sisters Parents Brother About Me Sisters Family Education Career 2nd career Interesting facts Neck and Back surgery 2 tattoos Love to cook Shop Parents Brother
8th Grade Schedule Parent Letters and Syllabus 8th Grade 7:30-7:55 A/A (RR and Lockers) 8:00-8:40 FLP 8:40-9:50 Academic 1 9:50-11:00 Academic 2 (RR and Lockers) 11:00-12:10 Academic 3 *Change at 12:05 12:10-12:35 Lunch 12:35-1:45 Academic 4 (RR and Lockers) 1:45-3:15 Connections *Leave 1:43 Parent Letters and Syllabus
Let’s Sign up for Remind!!!
Class Materials: 1½” three-ring binder Package of 5 – tab dividers Notebook paper Pens (blue or black ink) Pencils Highlighters* Colored Pencils and/or Markers* Post-it Notes* *Optional
Routines & Lesson Plans Class time will be a combination of direct instruction, independent practice, class discussion, and group activities. Homework will be an ELA Maintenance sheet that will be due on Thursday of every week. You will receive it on Monday of each week. Reading will be completed INSIDE and OUTSIDE of class. AR is coming… The AGENDA will be posted on the board each day. Today we will… So that we can… We will know we have it when…
Includes teachers and classmates Class Rules: Includes good manners Includes teachers and classmates R-E-S-P-E-C-T
2. Be on time and come prepared for class! Class Rules: 2. Be on time and come prepared for class!
When you hear the doorbell, Class Rules: When you hear the doorbell, talking should cease! 5. Attention
6. No electronics unless given teacher permission. Class Rules: 6. No electronics unless given teacher permission.
Late Work Students must turn in a “Missing Work Log” in lieu of the assignment. 10% of points deducted for each day late. Parents contacted on major assignments OR when missing work exceeds three assignments.
Make-up Work Responsibility of the student to check with the teacher when he/she is missing work. Work should be made up within three days for each class day missed.
Assessment & Grading Assessment will be a combination of participation, test/quizzes, projects, presentations, and writing assignments. Grades calculated using a PERCENTAGE system. 40% Daily Work 15% Homework/Writing 45% Tests/Writing/Projects/AR
Homework ELA Maintenance Sheets Due every Thursday unless otherwise noted by the teacher Week 1: Nouns and Who I Am Let’s go over the first column. Notice noun cheat sheet on back.
Welcome to Ms. Calhoun’s Class! Please do the following when you enter: Have a seat in your assigned area. You need: Pen/Pencil and ½ sheet of paper
Rules??? Welcome to Day 2! Marshmallows? What do you remember? Fill in the blank and short answer. Be on _____ and come _____ for class! What happens when you hear the doorbell ring? There should ABSOLUTELY be no _____!!! Please show _____ in your manners and when talking to your teachers and classmates. What must you do before you speak or get out of your seat? When can you use electronics in the classroom? Marshmallows?
What kind of learner are you? Marshmallow Activity Learning Styles Inventory Before you start the activity to the right, you will be given 3 marshmallows. You ARE NOT to eat those marshmallows for 15 minutes. If you succeed, then you will receive another 3 marshmallows at the end of the 15 minutes. Let’s learn how we learn best! Answer each question as honestly as you can. Add up your points to determine whether you are an auditory, visual or tactile learner. Some of you may have a little of all three—Let’s find out.
“Don’t Eat the Marshmallow!” Think About: Posada’s opinion on the principle for success. What is delayed gratification? Why is it important? What did you do?