Communication, Language and Literacy Understanding the world Read Traditional tales, stories, poems and rhymes Begin to answer how and why questions To answer questions about books read individually or as a class Discuss books and suggest own endings Is able to follow multiple directions Uses vocabulary focused on people of importance To begin to form sentences and words independently Encourage use of the writing table and role play areas to develop writing To write across the curriculum To begin to incorporate high frequency words in writing To write for different purposes Understanding the world What happens to the Gingerbread man in water? Life cycle enquiries How living things change and how we can help them to grow Recycling and how we can look after the environment Construct houses from different materials. Do they withstand the hairdryer? Cook our own porridge and sample different toppings Mathematics Sing number based songs and rhymes Sing shape and season based songs Touch count 0-10, 0-20 Simple addition and subtraction Estimating and counting Counting forwards and backwards Investigate doubling and sharing Time – sequencing events and using days of the week, months vocabulary Using money in real life scenarios What time is it MR Wolf? Expressive Arts and Design Weave a basket for Little Red Riding hood Create a pig from a recycled bottle Design a map to Grandma’s house Use different materials to make houses, clothes ect To create different sounds using a variety of instruments To enjoy dancing to a range of music Personal, Social and Emotional Development Revisit and renew class and school routines Developing independence in accessing resources Developing confidence within self and being proud of their achievements and creations Physical Development Developing and refining pencil and scissor skills Developing control over kicking and pushing an object Developing catching skills Construct various objects to enhance finger muscles. Dress themselves independently including tights, buttons and shoes To think about safety in all aspects of their activities