Meetings during the Portuguese Presidency 1st Meeting 3 September (EUPAN members) Lisbon 2nd Meeting 9 October (Hosted by TUNED) Brussels 3rd Meeting 9 November (if considered necessary)
Directors General Resolution on Social Dialogue (48th meeting 20-21 June 2007) ACTION PLAN: To further enhance the European social dialogue for the CPA in cooperation with Trade Unions’ National and European administration Delegation (TUNED) To run a comprehensive test on the practical implications of a strengthened and structured informal social dialogue To test within this enhanced informal social dialogue topics and work forms of formal social Dialogue which build upon a joint framework with TUNED including rules of procedure and a work programme
Directors General Resolution on Social Dialogue (48th meeting 20-21 June 2007) ACTION PLAN: To develop and finalise the framework of the test-phase, the evaluation indicators and the organisational structure of the work under the Portuguese Presidency (jointly with Eupan Members + TUNED, and with EC co-operation) Interim evaluation of the test phase under the French Presidency (final) European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation and Enterprises of General Economic Interest (CEEP) as an EUPAN members option for social dialogue at cross-sectoral level
Directors General Resolution on Social Dialogue (48th meeting 20-21 June 2007) ACTION PLAN: To assess after 2 years of test phase which option is most suitable to improve the European social dialogue for CPA, to decide whether the more formal patterns of work should be continued and whether further steps should be taken towards formalisation Progress report on the field of Social Dialogue to be present in the next ministers meeting
Ministers Resolution APPROVED The Action Plan aimed at (13th meeting) 22 June 2007 APPROVED The Action Plan aimed at further developing and improving the European social dialogue between EUPAN and TUNED
Informal social dialogue Test of formal social dialogue Simulation of a formal sectoral committee Informal social dialogue
Task force composition: 13MS + TUNED + EC
Portuguese Presidency Mandate: Set up of the Action Plan on social dialogue: Work programme Rules of procedure Evaluation indicators Other papers to be presented: List of relevant European Union documents on social dialogue (Commission and Council); Typology of results by presidencies (joint declarations EUPAN-TUNED under UK, Austria and Finland; joint conference in Denmark – TUNED).
ACTION PLAN - Joint Draft 3 September meeting EUPAN members To be discussed: Work programme Rules of procedure Evaluation indicators 9 October meeting EUPAN + TUNED Goal: Reach a common position on: ACTION PLAN - Joint Draft
DOCUMENT STRUCTURE OF THE ACTION PLAN : 1. Introduction: Portuguese presidency mandate based on the Ministers and DG resolutions 2. Objectives: Further development of social dialogue within EUPAN; strengthen of co- operation between EUPAN and TUNED; … 3. Themes - limited topics (EUPAN MTP priorities + TUNED Roadmap = joint work programme) 4. Internal Rules of Procedure: methodology, meetings structure and frequency, organisational levels; decision-making rules, … 5. Composition of the test committee: representatives of MS + TUNED; setting of a maximum of representatives on a parity basis (working groups; plenary meetings, …) 6. Typology of social dialogue results: joint actions (seminars, conferences); joint declarations; joint studies; … 7. Evaluation indicators: quantitative and qualitative
Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue Budget Heading Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue To cover grants for promoting social dialogue at cross-industry and sectoral level in accordance with articles 138 and 139 of the EC Treaty To finance: Consultations Meetings Negotiations Other operations to support European social dialogue (seminars; conferences; studies; …) This budget heading is intended to cover…. Budget heading conditions: Applicants contribute at least 20% of the total cost of the operation Grant limit – 80%
Eligible applicants: Social partners European social partner organisations currently consulted in accordance with article 138 of the Treaty National or regional organisations affiliated to such organisations as long the project is part of a European approach European social partner organisations not covered by the above, for example for operations involving the preparation and launch of European social dialogue at sectoral level Organisations linked to Industrial relations Non-profit-making organisations, research centres and institutes, universities Non-profit-making networks of companies or of workers organisations Public authorities National and regional authorities, including related associations and government services or agencies
TUNED EUPAN Submission of the application until 1st March 2008 (to be confirmed) EUPAN Signature of the letter of support 49th Directors General meeting Involvement of all Member States in the financing project Guarantee of increased legitimacy
Social Dialogue: Framework of the Test-phase Social Dialogue: Framework of the Test-phase 2 years test-phase July - Dec 2007 Jan - June 2008 July - Dec 2008 Jan - June 2009 July - Dec 2009 Portugal Slovenia France Czech Republic Sweden 3 Sep EUPAN members 9 Oct EUPAN + TUNED 10-11 Dec Proposals for: Common Position on: 49th DG Meeting Work Programme Action Plan Approval Rules of Procedure Draft Application for EU-funded Project Application Submission (deadline March/2008) Evaluation Indicators Signature of the Letter of Support EUPAN - TUNED Joint Draft Action Plan Interim Evaluation Final Evaluation Ministers Meeting: Final Decision
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