The Robust Australopithecines
Australopithecus aethiopicus Species: Australopithecus aethiopicus Age: 2.5 million years Date of Discovery: August 29,1985 Location: West Turkana, Kenya
Australopithecus boisei Species: Australopithecus boisei Age: 1.8 million years Date of Discovery: July 17, 1959 Location: Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
Tooth comparison between Robust and Gracile Australopithecines
A. Boisei (Robust) A. Aferensis (Gracile)
Gracile Australopithecines
Australopithecus afarensis Species: Australopithecus afarensis Age: 3.0-3.2 million years Date of Discovery: 1975 Location: Hadar, Ethiopia
Is Lucy the “Missing Link?” Curved phalangies (transitional btwn. arboreal and bipedal locomotion Long upper leg: lower leg (efficient bipedalism) Long and inward-angled femurs (efficient bipedalism) Short lower leg bones
But how can we be sure Lucy walked upright if we don’t have her feet? Okay, we’ve got pelvis, leg and spine… But how can we be sure Lucy walked upright if we don’t have her feet?
Ghosts in the Sand Laetoli, Tanzania 1976 15’’ of volcanic ash 3 hominids Proof of bipedalism Date: 3.6mya (K-Ar date) A. Afarensis (Lucy’s species)
Australopithecus africanus Species: Australopithecus africanus Age: 2.5 million years Date of Discovery: November 13, 1947 Location: Sterkfontein, South Africa
Species: Homo habilis Age: 1.9 million years Date of Discovery: 1973 Location: Koobi Fora, Kenya
Homo erectus (ergaster) Species: Homo erectus (ergaster) Age: 1.6 million years Date of Discovery: August 22,1984 Location: West Turkana, Kenya
Sangiran, Java, Indonesia Species: Homo erectus Age: 1.6-0.7 million years Date of Discovery: 1937 Location: Sangiran, Java, Indonesia
Species: Homo erectus Age: 500-230 thousand years Date of Discovery: N/A Location: Zhoukoudian, China