15th meeting of MSCG, 9 February 2015, Brussels WG GES: Decision review progress, outcomes of workshop on cross-cutting issues, next steps European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit
GES Decision review – progress JRC and ICES leading technical reviews of Decision per Descriptor – started in spring 2014, supported by expert networks and/or expert workshops Draft 'manuals' presented to WG GES (October 2014) – review of current use of Decision, initial proposals for revision of Decision and criteria (variable level of maturity) MS comments on draft templates to end November 2014 JRC and ICES are considering comments and identifying outstanding issues Identification of cross-cutting issues
Cross-cutting issues workshop - 21-22/01/2015, Copenhagen Session themes Integrating descriptors and other cross-cutting issues Consistency with existing legislation and RSC methodologies Scales and aggregation Issues discussed in three sessions by 2 or 3 subgroups Each subgroup discussed same issues Aim was to draw (broad) conclusions to give direction to next phase of technical review Also identify further issues needing more detailed work Workshop was NOT about making decisions, but opportunity to discuss and give direction, based on current state of Decision technical review and practical experience of implementation to date
Integrating Descriptors General agreement to have a more integrated approach to the biodiversity descriptors Leads to merging of some criteria (eliminate overlaps), e.g. for seabed habitats 1.6 + 6.2 for ecosystems/food webs 1.7 + 4.1-3 Assessments could be focused on following main elements: Functional groups of birds, mammals, fish, reptiles (D1, D3) Predominant habitats (D1, D6) Ecosystem/food web (D1, D4) Pressures and their impacts (D2, D5, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11 + D3.1, D6.1)
Ecosystem, food-webs (D1.7, D4) 10/04/2019 Assessment of specific pressures and their impacts on ecosystem elements (Art. 8.1b) D8/9 Assessment of ecosystem elements (Art. 8.1a) D5 Birds (D1) Mammals (D1) Reptiles (D1) Fish (D1, D3.2/3) Seabed (D1, D6) Water column (D1) Ecosystem, food-webs (D1.7, D4) Other pressures D7 D2 D11 D6.1 D10 D3.1 5
Use of reference lists for assessment Existing lists (EU Directives, International conventions) are a good starting point, but do not always adequately represent the ecosystem or its pressures For biodiversity, general preference to use ecosystem-based elements: functional groups of birds, mammals, reptiles and fish predominant habitat types Need for consistent EU set of broad elements, but reflect ecological variation for (sub)region-specific lists Specific elements should be selected as representative of functional groups and pressures Need clear criteria for selecting (e.g. for D3 fish X% of landings) and de-selecting (e.g. species not present in MS)
GES – state/pressure relationship What is 'in GES' and what is 'not in GES'? Natural state Extinct/ destroyed No pressure Intense pressure Good status Level of impact acceptable Level of pressure in sea and impact acceptable GES boundary GES boundary GES boundary (pressure = proxy GES boundary) Not good status Level of impact not acceptable Level of pressure in sea and impact not acceptable State-based descriptors D1, 3, 4, 6 Pressure-based descriptors D2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Defining GES boundaries Use EU standards, where possible, but … Where possible, aim to set quantitative boundaries, e.g. EQS values for contaminants Can be single value per indicator (with a buffer) Can be a range (e.g. maximum and minimum population sizes) Alternatives are needed for some descriptors, e.g.: Use of a pressure 'proxy' Normative definitions No further deterioration (plus trend of improvement as a target)
Consistency with existing legislation and RSCs methodologies In principle, EU standards should be applied Needs careful consideration to extend standards e.g. from coastal WFD to offshore, HBD to other species and habitats If no EU standard, consider standards developed under RSCs e.g. common indicators with threshold values Use and build upon the RSC work – progress especially on indicators in OSPAR and HELCOM. Indicator-based approaches in Mediterranean and the Black Sea under development
Harmonisation between MSFD and Habitats and Birds Directives Overall, in favour of linking assessments for GES and FCS – possible to align criteria A 'single assessment' for (certain) HBD species and habitats could potentially cover both directives. Relevant for certain HBD species and habitats (e.g. those with links to RSC indicators) FCS boundaries per criterion can vary by country – RSC indicators relevant Many habitats and species are not covered by the HBD: extending HBD methodology needs more consideration
Aggregation rules between criteria Use of One-out-all-out rule (OOAO) it is not straight forward, needs further thought Use of integrated/multi-metric indicators may be an alternative to use of OOAO Need to consider the purpose of assessment information management actions (link to measures) and need to communicate progress Guidance on aggregating per pressure-based descriptor is needed – i.e. whether OOAO is appropriate for the pressure and impact criteria associated with those descriptors Need for agreement on approaches for pressure-based descriptors across regions
Example presentation of GES: commercial fish (from CFP) (from Nov. 2014 draft EEA marine baseline report)
Ways to express achievement of GES Some favoured combining data for different species community-level assessment – based on the indicators in place Support for the expression of GES as a percentage of elements per broader biodiversity group (e.g. CFP and HBD examples of EEA baseline report) Preliminary conclusion Use proportion of species/ habitats/functional groups at GES within 'higher' biodiversity groups Aim for all 'higher' biodiversity groups to be at GES Aim for all pressure-based descriptors to be at GES
Assessment scales One scale does not fit for all descriptors -> need system that addresses different scales A HELCOM-like nested system is helpful - OSPAR is reflecting on this approach Need to encompass administrative (national), ecological and measure aspects when defining scales Need coherence for EU level (e.g. WISE-Marine) but flexibility per region/MS – accommodate characteristics of elements, regions and management needs
Follow up: issues to further develop Cross-cutting paper Integrated assessment of state-based descriptors Relationship to pressure-based assessments For D1: link to HBD assessments Scales of assessment Aggregation rules at descriptor level GES Descriptor manuals Boundaries (quantitative where possible, also others) Reference conditions: difficult issue, indicator specific Proposal on available lists (EU and RSCs) and their potential use in assessments Simplification and streamlining: defining overlaps in criteria and indicators across descriptors and proposing methodological standards for streamlining descriptors Aggregation rules below descriptor level (e.g. weighting, OOAO) Recommendations on: i) input for possible revision of Commission Decision, ii) input for 2016-2018 Work Programme Common Understanding document Issue of terminology
JRC workshops/correspondence ICES workshops D3, D4, D6 Focused workshops on specific challenges that arose during the 2014 scientific review of the MSFD descriptors: D3 - 10–12 February D6 - 16–19 February D4 - 24–25 February All at ICES HQ, Copenhagen JRC workshops/correspondence D8/9 - working meeting of MSFD Expert Network on Contaminants: 23-24 February 2015, Ispra, Italy D10 - phone/Skype meetings, ad-hoc meeting of MSFD TG Marine litter (to be decided) Other descriptors: exchange via email For each Descriptor, ICES is going to arrange a focused workshop on specific challenges that arose during the 2014 scientific review of the MSFD descriptors to: a)Provide further input to the MSFD review manual following on from the initial ICES/JRC workshop and template b) Consolidate and address relevant scientific comments and requests for clarification received from WG GES and DG ENV on the earlier version of the MSFD review manual. c) Comment on implications for the MSFD review manual in light of the DG ENV cross-cutting workshop The workshops will build on the previous work The workshops will take place in ICES HQ, Copenhagen: 10–12 February (D3), 16–19 February (D6) and 24–25 February (D4) For D10 there will be another consultation round based on the open issues identified (there was no much input from GES), also in view of the workshop outcome. Then we will proceed via a series of phone/skype meetings, or an ad hoc meeting (still to be decided). For D8/9 we plan a dedicated meeting on 23./24.2.2015 (core participants set is confirmed), we distribute beforehand a questionnaire compiling the still open issues. For all three Descriptors then a last consultation round before end of March will provide a final draft, to be sent out on 7.4. and then to be discussed in WG GES. The TG Noise paper on energy noise descriptor (D11 criteria paper) will be presented at the next GES meeting, but not at the cross-cutting issues workshop.
GES Decision review - next steps February-March 2015: consultation on revised manuals per descriptor and some meetings of expert working groups to address outstanding technical issues identified 25 March-7 April 2015: all draft documents to be circulated to WG GES 22-23 April 2015: WG GES to discuss finalisation of the technical phase and prepare progress report with recommendations for the way forward for the Committee or identify specific issues for further technical work (2016 and beyond) 5 May 2015 (tbc): Committee to review progress and discuss way forward (MSCG will be consulted as well)