HOW TO SEARCH USING ONLINE DATABASE SEARCH STRATEGIES Understand your assignment or topic of research Identify the keywords in your topic Think about related words Use connectors such as AND, OR , NOT to combine keywords Make use of your filters e.g. be specific about dates, country, type of information source (e-books, journal, dissertation, newspapers etc.) etc.
STEP BY STEP GUIDE FOR USING PROQUEST DATABASE Enter this link : And click on intranet. OR Enter this link into your computer browser
1. Enter this link : And click on intranet.
Alternatively go straight to the Intranet home page by putting the link below into your browser
2. Scroll down to where you have library and click on “ProQuest” OR ProQuest Ebook Central
3. Click on “sign in” at the top right corner, to create an account as a new user or login as an existing user.
4.Click on “Create Account”
5. Fill the form displayed, with appropriate information.
6. Ensure to check the form and click on “Create Account”
7. Hurray! Your account has been created, now click on “Continue”
8. To do a simple search, type in your “Keyword” OR “subject of interest” into the search bar and click on search
9. Click on the title of your choice
10. Follow the prompts to either read online, download book or download chapters
NB: To refine your search, make use of the filters on the left hand of your computer
To do an advanced search, go back to the home page and click on “advance”
The advance search gives you room to search for materials using more options e.g. Keyword, Author, date of publication, series etc.