paraskevidekatriaphobia Fear of Friday the 13th
Triskaidekaphobia Fear of the number 13 Tri=3 Deka=10 Phobia=fear
Export 輸出
Examples of words with EX Express= press out Extra= out of the normal Exile= go outside Expect=Look out Example=take out Examine=drive out
Export means to carry out Ex means out 輸出 輸入 Opposite is: Import Im or in means in
Excision: Ex means out and cision comes from the Latin caedere=to cut Except: Take out Cept from Latin capere=to take. (Capture, Captive.) Exercise, examination, exit, express
Ex Im/in Lip Hyper Hypo Aemia (emia) Haemo (hemo) Gramme (gram) Cardi Ectomy Peri itis Out In Fat Over/above Under/below Blood Record Heart Excision Around inflammation
Ex Im/in Lip Hyper Hypo Aemia (emia) Haemo (hemo) Gramme (gram) Cardi Ectomy Peri itis Blood Fat Under/below Record Heart Excision Around Inflammation Over/above In Out stomach
a k b j c d l e f g h i
Try to explain these words Hyperlipidaemia The opposite of no. 1 Pericarditis Extracellular Incision Excision intracellular
Try to explain these words Hyperlipidaemia: too much fat in the blood The opposite of no. 1: hypolipidaemia Pericarditis: inflammation of the sac around the heart Extracellular: outside the cells Incision: cut into Excision: cut out (an operation) Intracellular: inside the cells
Some words Algia means pain Itis means inflammation Lysis means breakdown (分析) Megaly means enlarged Oma means tumour Osis means abnormal condition Pathy means disease
Explain these words Algia means Itis means Lysis means Megal means Oma means Osis means Pathy means
Some words Algia means pain Intra means inside Lysis means breakdown (分析) Megaly means enlarged Oma means tumour Osis means abnormal condition Pathy means disease
So, Can you make these words? Cephal is head. What is headache? Arth is a joint. What is inflammation of the joints? Urine is water passed by the patient. What is the examination of this water? Acr are the extremes of the body. What is the enlargement of these? Carcin is cancer. What is a cancer tumour? What is pain of the joints? Cran is the skull. What is the word for inside the skull?
So, Can you make these words? Cephal is head. What is headache? Cephalalgia Arth is a joint. What is inflammation of the joints? Arthritis Urine is water passed by the patient. What is the examination of this water? Urinalysis Acr are the extremes of the body. What is the enlargement of these? Acromegaly Carcin is cancer. What is a cancer tumour? Carcinoma Pain of the joints is arthralgia inside the skull is intracranial
Can you make these words? Tumour containing fat Examining blood Disease of the joints