Globalization What does this mean?
How Globalized are our Lives?
Introduction Perspectives on Globalization To what extent should we embrace globalization? Exploring Globalization
Globalization Explored 4min.
Your definition: Globalization is …
What do others say about globalization?
Other definitions: “The act of making or becoming global.” The Canadian Oxford Dictionary “The process by which the world’s citizens are becoming increasingly connected and interdependent.” Alberta Social Studies K-12 Program of Studies
Other definitions: “A historical stage of accelerated expansion of market capitalism like the one experienced in the 19th century with the Industrial Revolution. It is a fundamental transformation of societies because of the recent technological revolution which has led to a recombining of the economic and social forces on a new territorial dimension.” Pascal Lamy, director general, WTO
The issue of globalization The challenge then is grasping an all encompassing understanding of what globalization is. Many perspectives
Perspectives “It doesn't matter how far apart we might be geographically, economically or culturally, we're all held tightly together as members of the human race in an all-embracing web.” What are two key ideas represented in the statement? What view does the statement provide on globalization? Do you agree or disagree, why?
Perspectives “Jobs are leaving many of the developed nations and moving to developing nations. The money earned helps those developing nations move forward in the world - more jobs, cheaper goods, more profits for research and development. Everybody wins.” What are two key ideas represented in the statement? What view does the statement provide on globalization? Do you agree or disagree, why?
Perspectives “Of the world's 6 billion people, 175 million are migrants, a phenomenon which has 'internationalized' many cities. Melbourne is the world's third largest Greek-speaking city, and in New York there are more people who speak Spanish as their first language than there are who speak English. The overseas earnings of migrants assist their country of origin - the Philippines was less severely affected by the Asian financial crisis than its neighbours, aided in part by more than $7 billion in annual remittances from overseas Filipino workers.” What are two key ideas represented in the statement? What view does the statement provide on globalization? Do you agree or disagree, why?
Perspectives “Young people have adopted international brands and styles without discrimination. They dress up like their favorite band, mouthing the words to songs they don't understand and that support values that don't belong to them. Our culture is under siege!” What are two key ideas represented in the statement? What view does the statement provide on globalization? Do you agree or disagree, why?
Globalization if both Domestic and International
Domestic Events vs International Events DOMESTIC EVENTS: articles that describe events or issues that concern only a single nation (e.g.. Canada) INTERNATIONAL EVENTS: articles that describe events or issues with international implications (multiple nations) Using the newspapers provided skim through the articles and sort them into domestic or international events. Jot down the headings What criteria did you use to identify which category they fell under? Could we be even more specific with our categories?