External Examiner Briefing: Report Writing 22 January 2019 10 External Examiner Briefing: Report Writing 22 January 2019 10.30 Coffee and Subject briefings 11.00 Briefing 12.00 Lunch and Subject briefings Emma French, Deputy Academic Registrar
Introductions and Welcome
Briefing Notes Context Structure Collaborative Provision School Assessment Panels Marking Scale Degree Classifications Board of Examiners for Progress and Award Essential Reading: https://www.yorksj.ac.uk/registry/quality-gateway/external-examiners/
External Examiner Report Grading A suggested enhancements, or minor issues within a module or modules; B issues with the programme structure, sequencing, or across several modules; C major programme issues; D highly serious issues concerning academic standards or quality processes; E confidential report to the Vice Chancellor. (U) a (U) flag is now added to reports to show issues with the provision of central services or University-level issues.
External Examiner Report Outcomes There were many examples of in-depth critical evaluations of programmes by External Examiners. There were a significant number of reports that were either superficial or supportive of teaching teams without any evidence of constructive criticism that would help the teams to enhance their practice. This led to some unfairness in the grading; when External Examiners gave very detailed feedback, resulting in a B grade or minimal feedback resulting in an A grade.
External Examiners will provide informative comment and recommendations: Ensure threshold standards for qualifications are consistent with the relevant national qualifications framework Assessment processes measure achievement rigorously and fairly against intended outcomes of the programme Conducted according to YSJU Regulations and policies Academic standards are comparable with other institutions Good practice & innovation: learning, teaching & assessment Review core practices for standards regularly and uses the outcomes to drive improvement and enhancement
Reviewing Examples of External Examiner Comments Review & Discuss Examples What advice would you give to the authors of these comments Feedback
Writing Reports: Sources of Evidence FHEQ; Subject Benchmarks (Professional Standards) Programme and Module Specifications; assessment tasks External Examiner’s experience of equivalent provision Samples of work; Moodle site Module mark data Individual student award profiles Degree Classifications School Assessment Panel Student feedback Engagement in Programme Developments Informal discussions with Programme Teams
Evaluating the Evidence Alignment: of Learning Outcomes and assessment tasks Appropriateness: of type, content and mark scheme of assessments Alignment: of feedback and marks awarded Consistency: of assessment outcomes (scripts; examination papers; project reports; attending performances; placements Analysis: of relevant data (fairness and internal comparability of module mean marks within and between levels) Rigour: of School Assessment Panels (SAPs)
Writing Reports: A Balancing Act Too kind – everything is lovely; the team are my best friends Too harsh – everything is terrible Too close – the University is treating this team abominably Too controlling – they haven’t done what I told them to Too brief – it will do, I’m exhausted and I’m ready for my holiday Critical friend – affirmation and enhancement