RECAP QUESTIONS 1. Name some interpersonal skills. 2. What errors can one make when sending an email? 3. What is at the top right corner of an official letter? 3. What are the basic elements and rules for a good CV? - Elements? - Rules?
Referencing and bibliography DAY 6
Referencing and quoting Why do you think referencing and quoting is important? What is the difference? Referencing and quoting importance
Referencing and quoting That’s right: To give credit to authors. To help readers follow up on thoughts, concepts, theories and quotes. To avoid plagiarism. To show your familiarity with the topic. To accept the fact that I am only building upon previous findings and ideas. Referencing and quoting
GUIDELINES for in-text referencing 1 Business Student Handbook p. 154
GUIDELINES for in-text referencing 2 Business Student Handbook p. 154
GUIDELINES for reference LIST 1. Business Student Handbook p. 155
GUIDELINES for reference LIST 2. Business Student Handbook p. 155
GUIDELINES for reference LIST 2. REFERENCING ONLINE SOURCES GUIDELINES for reference LIST 2. Business Student Handbook p. 155
Download a QUICK GUIDE TO REFERENCING (or lecturer prints this out)
Download a FULL GUIDE TO REFERENCING (or lecturer prints this out)
LOOK UP A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO REFERENCING online ONLINE GUIDE (if there is internet connection, we need to go through this one by one) Referencing in students’ assignment should follow these rules!!! For ease of use I suggest students bookmark this site LOOK UP A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO REFERENCING online
SUMMARY OF WHAT WE HAVE COVERED SO FAR Class discussion 1. What have we learnt? 2. What do students need? 3. What next? (today: re-emphasising writing: style, grammar, forms, mistakes, etc. Rest of the week: CREATIVITY, LITERATURE SEARCH, IT, EMPLOYMENT SKILLS. SUMMARY OF WHAT WE HAVE COVERED SO FAR
WRITING: THE STUDY SKILLS HANDBOOK 143-198 (Chapter 7-8) Students will have read these two chapters in advance. We discuss each page and detail chief points in class. Students can raise their questions. WRITING: THE STUDY SKILLS HANDBOOK 143-198 (Chapter 7-8)
Business study and writing skills Dr Tamas Lestar Business study and writing skills SEE YOU LATER