Day 2: Sequencing Narratives Welcome! Day 2: Sequencing Narratives
Before we move ahead… Oh no! One of our classmates did not attend school on yesterday. Help them out by writing a brief summary about what they missed during instruction yesterday. You will need to let them know about our fancy thinking maps and all of its contents. Good luck!
Sequencing I will be drawing this chart during FLP. The chart will be deleted from this slide.
Learning Target: I can sequence writing ideas in a clear and concise manner. Sequencing Activity The sequencing activity will be a cut out. In the email I have attached, there is an activity that involves students placing cut out story strips in order. The strips will be given to groups and they will collectively work to place events in order. Link to sequencing activity:
It’s Roller Coaster Time!
Please render your narrative graphic organizers and letters Using our Roller Coaster (BME method), organize your ideas and story elements and sequence these ideas accordingly. Sequencing check
Ticket out the door: Questions to the Teacher: List up to 3 questions from yesterday or today’s lesson that you would like clarification about.