JUNE 3 & 4 Holiday Inn Saratoga Springs
Presentation and Facilitation Prepared by Arthur Webb ArthurWebbGroup, Ltd June 3, 2014 Prepared by AWG 2
Community Integration Manag- ing Care Outcomes Prepared by AWG 3
Definition: Something that follows as a result or consequence Advancing outcomes is aspirational in terms of managed care. We have a long way to go. Prepared by AWG 4
The pace of change and innovation is moving at record speeds. Changes in virtually every field. Where is the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities? Prepared by AWG 6
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities (1859) Prepared by AWG 7
U.S. spends twice as much on health care per capita, and 50 percent more as a share of GDP, as other industrialized nations do. And yet we fail to reap the benefits of longer lives, lower infant mortality, universal access, and quality of care realized by many other high-income countries. There is broad evidence, as well, that much of that excess spending is wasteful. Stabilizing health spending and targeting it in ways that ensure access to care and improve health outcomes would free up billions of dollars annually for critically needed economic and social investments both public and privateas well as higher wages for workers. CONFRONTING COSTS: Stabilizing U.S. Health Spending While Moving Toward a High Performance Health Care System The Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System, January, 2014 Prepared by AWG 8
Impact of implementation of the Affordable Care Act Big Data, Big Information, Big Analytics Mergers & Consolidations State Medicaid Reform Expansion of managed care for special populations Pressure on nonprofits: A squeeze play with compliance, costs, compensation, & competition Prepared by AWG 9
New York State is moving to enroll all 5.2 million recipients by Now taking on the most complicated and costly recipients: Carve-in of behavioral health benefits in 2015 with special initiative called HARPs Targeting foster care by 2016 For persons with IDD, who knows??? Prepared by AWG 10
Is managed care just another way to distribute public dollars? Is managed care just another form of government regulation and control? Is managed care really that effective for persons with complicated needs? Is the field ready for managed care? W hat are some of the first steps? Prepared by AWG 11
Care Coordination Is there a best practice model for the field to use? What is the level of effort in terms of cost, staff, time, and training that providers are making or have to make to offer an effective care coordination model? Prepared by AWG 12
Developing Meaningful Outcomes Are outcomes of BH and IDD services really well developed? Are there good benchmarks? How do social determinant variables, behavioral indicators, medical, and functional status get integrated into best practices? Prepared by AWG 13
Positioning Providers for a Managed Care Environment What is the information needed to live in a managed care world? How do providers live in two worldsthe now and managed care worlds? Prepared by AWG 14
On with the day Prepared by AWG 15