!Sell Basics: How to use the system
Agenda General !Sell Rules Main buttons description Planning Meeting 6 Steps of a Sales Calls with !Sell Expenses Call History Summary
General !Sell Rules Offline !Sell : Can be accessed anytime on your desktop, includes the information up to your last synch, faster Online !Sell: Can be accessed when you are connected to the Internet, downloads/saves every change that you make, slower You have to synchronise twice a day, morning and end of the day
Main buttons Home, brings you back to main dashboard Back to the previous screen without closing module Close the current module Close the current window Create a new item in this window Save your latest changes made in !Sell Printing function Exit !Sell and save all the latest changes
Set modules as Favourites Right-click on the module and select Add to Favorites Set these as Favorites as you will use them often Call Calendar Call List Expense Customer
Planning Meeting After your planning and execution meeting on Mondays, you should plan all your calls for the week based on your call target. Right click in the Calendar and select NEW Select the Customer Choose POC Visit Set Smash Objectives in Objective Planning Tab Click SAVE Return to Call Calendar and Repeat * You can also skip these steps if you have set !Sell Routes
You can find your POC by searching by name or City Example 2.Select the Customer 3. Choose POC Visit and click Finish 1. Right click in the Calendar and select NEW Write Smash Objectives based on priorities communicated by the DSM You can find your POC by searching by name or City
Tips: Moving Calls in the Calendar There are three ways to move a Call in the calendar Right-click on the Call and choose Schedule, then in the calendar choose a date and time Left-click on the POC and drag it into Calls to be Scheduled or another spot in the calendar and release Go into the Call and then to the admin tab
!Sell Example
6 Steps to a Sales Call Here are the 6 Steps that can be mirrored into !Sell Planning Introduction Merchandising & Price Check POC & Inventory Check Re-Plan Sales Proposal
Step 1 - Planning Once you have arrived at your POC, open your POC visit In the first Tab called POC Planning review: The contact information When was your previous visit and status of older Smash Objective Budget Spent YTD (Expense Tab) Review Smash Objective and make adjustments based on what was discussed in morning meetings Click on START VISIT on the left top corner, right before physically entering the POC
Step 1 - Planning
Step 2 - Introduction Step into the POC and notify the decision maker that you are here and set up a time to discuss This step is not in !Sell
Step 3 - Merchandising & Price Check Step 4 – POC & Inventory Check Take a look around the POC to identify opportunities for merchandising, distribution, promotion, pricing In the Question Tab Make adjustments where the answer changed Click on Check Completed then SAVE In the Survey Tab Validate distribution and Click Store Check Completed, click SAVE Make changes where there have been changes since last visit
Step 3 - Merchandising & Price Check Step 4 – POC & Inventory Check In the Question Tab: Click on Check Completed SAVE Make adjustments where the answer changed In the Survey Tab Validate distribution and Click Store Check Completed, click SAVE Make changes where there has been changes since last visit
Step 4 – POC & Inventory Check – Order Confirmation Based on monthly priorities, gaps and inventory level, choose a SKU that you want to confirm an order In the order confirmation tab, right-click on the grid and select NEW Search for the SKU by writing the name in the description field Click Search then Select the SKU in the grid
Step 4 – POC & Inventory Check – Order Confirmation In the top left corner, select your visit (or ordering) frequency 1=Weekly, 4=Monthly Click SAVE which will update the numbers in the formula Fill in all the fields in the order confirmation formula Click Save Note the proposed order
Order Confirmation
Order Confirmation in !Sell Click Save and then a Proposed Order will be generated; after the sales proposals enter the commitment and the order date Validate previous commitment, actual order and gap to address with the client Weekly turnover will be automatically calculated and you need to input unit number for activity, safety stock and inventory
Step 5 – Re-plan Once you have completed Steps 3 and 4 and Order Confirmation, re-validate your Smash Objectives Add your new Smash Objective or order quantities in the Objective Planning tab
Step 6 – Sales Proposal Sit with your client and based on what you have observed in the POC, Do the sales proposal based on your Smash Objectives
End of Call Administrative Tasks Write the results of sales proposal in the Smash Objective Complete/Cancel your Smash Objective Write call comments Write the commitment and order date in the order confirmation tab Select your follow-up call Select if you met the Decision Maker Complete Call* * Once you completed a call, you can’t do anymore edits
Admin Step in !Sell
Expenses Expenses should be entered daily in !Sell and submitted weekly to your DSM Include as many details as possible Include non-reimbursable expenses (ex: Resolve) for POC Budget Reductions Expenses can be submitted in 2 ways: In the Expense module on the left under Field Sales Management In the Admin Tab inside a visit
Submitting Expenses Right-click on the grid and select New Select if it is a M1 Expense (Hotel, Material etc...) or a POC Expense (Glassware, POS, Draught install etc…) Enter the date, the value of the receipt, perceived value and extra information in the annotation section Choose the type of budget – if it is reimbursable/budget reduction add the gl code (if reimbursable)
Expenses in !Sell
!Sell Reports 2 Expense Reports for a desired period of time that can be territory or POC specific. Can be for internal or external purposes. 2 Reports with POC Evaluation results vs. target for a desired period of time … Reports with visits, time per call for a desired period of time etc… Reports with tasks to be completed for yourself or your merchandiser for a period of time…
!Sell Activity Let’s Navigate…
!Sell Activity Can you… Create a POC Visit and set Smash Objectives? Move that POC Visit to the following without deleting it? Enter an order confirmation for a Bud Sku in retail? Enter a personal and POC expense? Pull a POCE Report for the previous month for all your POCs?
Summary & Next Steps Observe the use of !Sell when traveling with a colleague Use this training as a reference to guide you through the system during Monday Planning, Sales Call and Applying Expenses If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask your FSEM and DSM Thank You!