etIGaCIvkmµGVIEdlGñknwgbegáIt? What Business will you set up?
mnusSPaKeRcIncg;manGaCIvkmµxøÜnÉg mnusSeRbIR)as;fg;pøas;sÞIksMrab;ral;karevcx©b; People are using plastic bags for almost everything rdæaPi)almanbMNgelIkTwkcitþdl;]sSahkmµplitcMNIGahar BIeRBaHenHCaskþanuBlnaMecjd¾FMmYy The government wants to encourage the food processing industry because there is a tremendous export potential.
mnusSPaKeRcIncg;manGaCIvkmµxøÜnÉg ¬t>>¦ sNæaKarGacnwgRtUv)anbegáIteLIgkñúgTIRkugrbs;Gñk ehIy RbEhlCanwgdMeNIkarya:gl¥ A few resident hotels may have come up in your city and they may seem to be doing well. mitþrbs;GñkR)ab;faTIpSareRKOgbnøas;kMBüúT½rkMBugrIkdUcpSit Your friends tells you that the computer stationery market is booming
etIGVInwgekIteLIgenAeBlGñkTTYl)anKMnitepSg² etIGVInwgekIteLIgenAeBlGñkTTYl)anKMnitepSg²? What will happen when you get a variety of ideas? GñkEtgEtmannUvKMnitsujepSg² You eventually face a bewildering variety of ideas GñkKµanlTÞPaBeFVIkarsMerccitþGVITaMgGs; You are just not able to decide on anything
RkeLk emIlxøÜn Gñk ¡ Look at yourself fff eFVItaragsMnYrTaMgenH Lists these question
yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal;. Getting to know yourself 1. eQµaH. Name 2 yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; Getting to know yourself 1. eQµaH Name 2. karGb;rM Education 3. GaCIBbc©úb,nñ Present Occupation 4. bTBiesaFn_kargar Work-experience
yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦. Getting to know yourself 5 yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦ Getting to know yourself 5. etIGñk)aneXIj]sSahkmµ b¤GaCIvkmµNamYyb¤enA? Do you have any exposure to industry or business? 6. cMNUlBIRbPBepSg²RbcaMqñaMenH Present annual income from various sources. List it sources-wise 7. etIGñkecHCMnajbec©keTsb¤cMeNHdwgNamYyc,as;eT? Do you possess any special technical skills or knowledge? Give details 8. etIfvikab:unµanEdlGñknwgeFVIvinieyaKsMrab;GaCIvkmµ? How much money are you willing to invest in the business?
yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦. Getting to know yourself 9 yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦ Getting to know yourself 9. etIGñkcg;ebIkshRKasenAkEnøgNa? where do you want to set up the enterprise? 10. etIGñkmancMNg;cMNUlcitþcMeBaHvis½y]sSahkmµCak;lak; NamYyeT? ehtuGVI? cUreFVIbBa¢Ivis½yTaMgenH Do you have any preference for a particular industry sectors? If yes, Why, List these sectors. 11. etIcg;ecosvagvis½y]sSahkmµNamYyeT? ehtuGVI? cUreFVIbBa¢I vis½yTaMgenH Do you wish to avoid any industry sectors? If yes, Why, List these sectors.
yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦. Getting to know yourself 12 yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦ Getting to know yourself 12. etIGñkcg;[shRKasrbs;GñkTTYl)anR)ak;cMeNjedayrebobNa? How profitable would you wish your enterprise to be? 13. etIry³eBlb:unµanEdlGñksgÇwmKMeragpþl;R)ak;cMeNj? How quickly do you expect the project to make profits? 14. etIGVICaCMnYy b¤bBaða EdlGñksgÇwmBIsmaCikRKYsarGñk? What help/problems do you expect from your family members? 15. etImUlehtuGVI)anCaGñkcg;begáItshRKas? Why do you want to set up the enterprise?
yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦. Getting to know yourself 16 yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦ Getting to know yourself 16. etIGñkmanPaBRbesIrdUcemþcxøH? How good are you at the following?
yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦. Getting to know yourself 17 yl;dwgGMBIxøÜnGñkpÞal; ¬t>>¦ Getting to know yourself 17. etIGñkman\riyabTRbfuyRbfanya:gdUcemþcenAkñúgGaCIvkmµ? what is your attitude to risk in business? 18. etIGñkmanKMnitGaCIvkmµNamYyenAkñúgxøÜnehIyb¤enA? Do you already have any business ideas in mind? Give Details? 19. cMNucdéTepSgeTotGMBIxøÜnrbs;Gñk EdlGñkKitfaman RbeyaCn_edIm,IbegáItGaCIvkmµrbs;Gñk? Any other points about yourself which think could be important in order to establish your business.
tMrUvkarsMrab;GaCIvkmµ A Need for Business ehtuGVIGñkcg;begáItGaCIvkmµ tMrUvkarsMrab;GaCIvkmµ A Need for Business ehtuGVIGñkcg;begáItGaCIvkmµ? BIeRBaHfa³ why you want to set up a business? Is it because: - GñkenAsl;luyeRcIn You have surplus money - Gñkcg;køayCaGñkman You want to be rich - Gñkmin)anTTYlkargarsmrmümYy ehtuenHehIyGñkKµanCMerIs eRkABIbegáItGaCIkmµ You will not get a decent job and hence have no option but to set up a business. - GñkenOyNayeFVIkargareGayGñkdéT You are tired of working for others.
- GñkmaneBlevlaeRcIn nigGñkcg;eGayGVI²mann½y - GñkmaneBlevlaeRcIn nigGñkcg;eGayGVI²mann½y. You have plenty of time and would like to do something meaningful - GñkRbEhlCacg;bgðajfaGñkk¾GaceFVI)an dUcEdlGñkdéTCaeRcIn TTYl)aneCaKC½y. You may want to prove that you can do what many others have achieved. - GñkRKan;Etcg;køayCam©as;edayxøÜnÉg BIeRBaHGñkmincUlcitþeFVIkar gar[GñkdéT You just want to be your own boss since your dislike working for others. - Gñkcg;begáItkitüanuPaBGaCIvkmµsMrab;kUnRbusGayu20qñaMrbs;Gñk You want to establish a business empire for your 20 years old son.
RbtisdæansMrab;KMnitGaCIvkmµ Springboards for Business Idea - mnusSRKb;rUbcg;)annUvkarRbtibtþil¥ cg;)anKMnit l¥² every body want good practice, Ideas. - dUecñHetIGñkbegáItkarKitenaHya:gdUcemþc? So how do you generate them?
1. GñkGacnwgemIlsarB½t’manGaCIvkmµ b¤TsSnavdIþ You may read business dailies and magazines. 2. BieRKaHCamYymnusSEdlmancMeNHdwg Talk to the knowledgeable persons 3. emIlkarGPivDÆCuMvijxøÜnrbs;Gñk Keep an eye on developments around you.
RbtisdæansMrab;KMnitshRKasGaCIvkmµ The Springboards for A Business Enterprise Idea FnFanFmµCati Natural Resource shRKasEdlmanRsab; b¤nwgbegáIt Existing/Expected Enterprise karBRgIkTIpSar b¤karEkERbkargarbc©úb,nñEdlcUlcitþ Market-extension/Modification of Present Work Content kic©RbwgERbgEdlmanlkçN³écñRbDit Creative Effort
So, What do you do now? You focus your thoughts on the following: dUecñH etI\LÚvGñkeFVIGVI? GñkepþatkarKitrbs;GñktamdMdab;lMedaydUcxageRkam³ So, What do you do now? You focus your thoughts on the following: etImanFnFanFmµCatiGVIxøHEdlGñkGaceFVIeGayvaeTACaCMnYj? Is there any natural resource which you can commercialize? etImanshRKasEdlbegáItehIyNamYyEdlGñkGacpÁt;pÁg;TMnijb¤esvakmµeT? Are there any existing enterprises you can supply goods or services to? etImanshRKasEdlbegáItehIyNamYydMeNIkarl¥EdlmanRbeyaCn_sMrab;eFVItam? Are there any existing enterprises doing so well that it would be worthwhile to do the same? etImanplitplb¤esvakmµNamYyEdlCatRmUvkarTIpSarnwgRtUvbnþBRgIk? Are there any products/services for which the market demand will continue to expand? etIkargarbc©úb,nñrbs;Gñkpþl;nUveyabl;epSg²BI»kasGaCIvkmµNamYy? Does your present work suggest any business opportunity?
kareqøIyral;sMNYrTaMgenHnwgnaMmknUvKMnitCa»kasGaCIvkmµ. eRkABI EsVgrknUvKMnitCa»kasGaCIvkmµ pgEdrvak¾GacbegáItCameFüa)aymYy cMnYnEdr. eTaHCay:agNak¾eday KµancMelIyfaetIGñkkøayCamnusSEdl RbkbedayRbDitjaNEbbNa? BIeRBaHKµanmeFüa)ayNaCak;lak;eT. The answers to all these questions will bring forth business opportunity ideas. Besides, there can be creative ways too, to find business opportunity ideas. However, there is no answer to how you can become creative. Because there are no fixed ways.
RbPBénB½t’man ³ KMnitGaCIvkmµfµÍ² Sources of Information: New business ideas Similar –enterprise owners m©as;shRKasEdlRsedogKña Machinery suppliers GñkpÁt;pÁg;eRKOgm:asIun Raw material suppliers GñkpÁt;pÁg;vtúßFatuedIm Customers GtifiCn Packing material Suppliers GñkpÁt;pÁg;smÖar³evcx©b; Dealers GñkEckcaylk; Consultants GñkBieRKaHeyabl;
RbPBénB½t’man ³ KMnitGaCIvkmµfµÍ² Sources of Information: New business ideas Employees in similar enterprises nieyaCitEdleFVIkarkñúgshRKasRsedogKña Bank officials mRnþIEdleFVIkarenAFnaKar Regulatory-agency officials mRnþIEdleFVIkarenAxagc,ab; Promotional agency officials mRnþIEdleFVIkarenAxagpSBVpSay Associations of manufactures, Dealers, Customer, Raw material suppliers in relation to a given product. smaKmplitkr GñkEckcay GtifiCin nigGñkpÁt;pÁg;vtßúFatuedIm