How we can help each other, help each other. Service Request Desk How we can help each other, help each other. Service Request Line of Computing Services X88925. A person answers the phone 24/7. This same person also monitors camera views, alarms and the radio for Public Safety. This same person also monitors current network status and notifies the correct person if a problem arises.
Request Line Purpose Point of contact for faculty and staff to communicate hardware and network related issues Issues are documented and referred to the appropriate area of expertise in Computing Services
How to contact us You can call for service re: computing hardware or network issues on campus at x88925. Off campus call 503-838-8925. You can email the Service Request Desk @ . Emails are dealt with as quickly as phone calls. They also allow you to attach pictures of error messages or other helpful info.
Service Request System Our Service Request Reps have been directed to gather key bits of information. This information is entered into our Service Request System. This web application was developed, and is currently maintained, by student programmers. This application enabled us to create a list of users that includes their office phone number, room number, and department. If you happen to remember us when you move around campus, we like to keep this information up to date.
Trouble Shooting There are things you can do before you call in an issue. Try rebooting the machine. Don’t just restart it, turn it off completely by pushing the button on the machine. Is it plugged in? Is the power strip turned on? Try other applications to see if they experience problems. Try other printers. Does it work on a different machine? Try a different browser. Try it again. We all make mistakes.
Information we need from you Who are you? To what department do you belong? What is your room number and building? With whom should future contacts be made? If you are a student or temporary worker, who is your direct supervisor? What is the WOU ID# of the machine that is giving you grief? A complete description of the issue that prompted the call. All the results of any trouble shooting you did on your own. Your complete name is a big help. Campus is not only getting bigger but more complicated. A unique first name is rare at this point. We use a web based application (student developed and maintained!) for entering your request. It contains a clients name, phone extension, bldg & rm# department and email address.
Additional useful information A little time gathering information on the first call can save a lot of time and frustration. If you aren’t going to be in your office, is there someone who can let us into your office? Where do we find them? Would you prefer to be present? Is it best to call before we come over? The information in Error Messages is very useful. Either write them down or send a copy of the screen to . If you are having trouble printing, additional info such as: What is the name of the printer?, is it just to one printer?, is it only one document?, can you print from other applications? is very helpful. Often, with complete information, we can solve the problem with no further contact and the next thing you hear from use will be good news.
What happens then? After a task is created in the system, an email is automatically sent to the client. This email reflects what the Service Request Rep entered into our system and sends you a Task ID#. Should you need to call with additional information or an update on your task, using this Task ID# can speed up the process.
Who sees the task? The Service Request System is checked regularly. During the work day, I doubt a 15 minute period goes by without the list being checked by: Technicians Service Request Representatives Network Admins and Support Classroom Support
Priority? We take similar tasks on a first come first serve basis. Our main goal is to keep people working and providing service. A problem that has shut down your productivity completely, skyrockets your issue to the top of the list. For example: If you are standing in front of 50 students and are unable to continue your lecture, your task tops the list. If you are able to print to another printer, other tasks may take priority.
We aim to serve! All suggestions are welcome. If you email them to they will get routed to the appropriate person. You can also call and talk to Travis or Bill in person, if they aren’t in their offices, leave a message and they will get back to you. Remember x88925 or for all Computing Service Requests!