The National Trust In Transition Building Resilience in Uncertain Times 2nd July 2009 Rob Hopkins Transition Network
Peak Oil
Peak Gas
Peak Coal
The UK’s Energy Balance
Climate Change
The Economy
The Transition Response
The Transition Response
Designing for a New World Strive for oil independence Aim for being carbon negative Plan for economic contraction Become a catalyst Resilience, rather than sustainability
Food “Existing patterns of food production are not fit for a low-carbon, more resource constrained-future”. UK Cabinet Office 2008.
Observe and Interact Rely on detailed observation and good design rather than energy intensive solutions Draw from the membership Don’t accept the conventional wisdom
Catch and Store Energy
Catch and Store Energy Move from just in time, and start planning for a rainy day Stop talking about “when this recession is over” Local seed heritage
Obtain a Yield Create a broad base of incomes Place productive landscapes at the centre and don’t be ashamed of them.
Modelling sustainability, the arts and social justice? Agroforestry Estates Modelling sustainability, the arts and social justice? A vital model: timber, food, fruit, nuts, medicines, fibres, biodiversity, carbon storage, building materials, an international first for education, a diversity of livelihood opportunities, research and development, a replicable model, a unique environment, If not the National Trust, then who?
Transition Kapiti Roving Garden Project
Produce No Waste
Design from Patterns to Details Place National Trust properties in wider context Look at sites in a holistic way Engage with local EDAP process
Integrate Rather Than Segregate Design so as to maximise beneficial relationships Start at home
The Lewes Pound
Totnes Garden Share Scheme
Use and Value Diversity
A National Trust ‘Locally Resilient’ Certification and label?
Maximise Edge Create as many ‘hooks’ as possible Engage as broad a base of local organisations as possible
Creatively Use and Value Change See this as an extraordinary opportunity to do extraordinary things “Yes We Can”....
The Great Reskilling
Transition BS3 Community Garden