CEOS Organizational Matters Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CEOS Organizational Matters Stephen Volz, NOAA CEOS SIT Chair CEOS Plenary 2018 Agenda Item #6.10 Brussels, Belgium 17 – 18 October 2018
Governing Documents The CEOS Governance and Processes document provides guidelines on the structure, operations, and processes CEOS employs to achieve its goals (~5 years). (November 2013) SIT 33-01 ACTION: Assess whether the CEOS Governance and Processes Document should be updated. Report to SIT Technical Workshop including (if required) a recommendation to be presented for decision at CEOS Plenary. RATIONALE: The document is now five years old, and we should consider if we need updates to CEOS structure, operations, and processes in order to address the evolving goals of the organization. Plenary Discussion Do we need to update Governance and Processes Document? Introduction and Background Organizational Roles and Responsibilities Decision-making Process Major Meetings Membership and Participation CEOS Governance and Processes document can be amended or modified only after review and careful consideration by the CEOS Agencies. This review should also examine other CEOS guiding documents that will be affected by the amendment or modification to ensure that all of the guiding documents are consistent and mutually supporting. The specific amendments or modifications must be reviewed at a CEOS SIT Meeting and approved at the subsequent CEOS Plenary.
CEOS Organizational Roles and Responsibilities Does this organizational structure still meet the needs of CEOS and our external partners? Terms of Reference – CEOS Chair, Strategic Implementation Team (SIT) Chair, CEOS Executive Officer (CEO), CEOS Secretariat, and Systems Engineering Office (SEO) Process Papers – Working Group, Virtual Constellations, and New Initiatives
Decision-Making Process To assure a successful organization, CEOS must select the appropriate set of new activities to pursue and consistently meet its current commitments. Recent requests from GFOI, GEOGLAM, CBD, LDN New Initiatives Process Paper (2014) Consideration of current activities
SIT Action 33-05 Closed at SIT TW 2018 ACTION: Provide an analysis of possible measures to: Improve consistency in processes across CEOS entities Specifically VCs, WGs, and AHTs Identify whether further tangible contributions to the CEOS Work Plan are possible Ensure sustainment of resources across the groups RATIONALE: SIT Chair has challenged CEOS to identify whether top-down contributions to the CEOS WP are required and possible in addition to the bottom-up population of the WP. The inclusion of top-down, member Agency directed scope will complement the bottoms-up, and support Agency strategic needs Closed at SIT TW 2018
Potential Adjustments to Procedure – for Discussion Define clearer guidelines for the Work Plan development, including: Ensure traceability within the Work Plan (source of request, lead CEOS entity, supporting CEOS and partner entities, expected resources and sponsors, anticipated results/deliveries, etc.) Include opportunity for integration of Agency-driven top-down requests into relevant CEOS groups and the CEOS Work Plan Improve Work Plan tracking and annual reporting – Agenda Item 1.4 Add terms to leadership for all standing CEOS bodies, VCs as well as WGs – Agenda Item 6.7 Define the duration/sustainability lifecycle for AHTs – Agenda Item 6.7 Improve clarity of CEOS activities (e.g., initiatives which are not showing up in the structure, such as Open DataCube or CEOS DataCube) Highlight where CEOS Agencies contribute significant resources to day-to-day operations of CEOS (e.g., SEO, MIM Database, CEOS Newsletter, Steering Committee representation)
Suggestions for Greater Efficiency in how CEOS Functions Changes we think appropriate for discussions at SIT-34 with proposal at September 2019 SIT Technical Workshop and decisions at 33rd Plenary Governance and Processes: Expand section on requirements for ad hoc teams (defined tenure and expectation of desired end-state) Virtual Constellation Process Paper Reflect changes to VC Co-Lead rotation (pending proposal to SIT-34) Terms of Reference SEO and reference to DataCube CEOS PoC (“mastermind and key coordinator”) Organizational Miscellaneous Items – same timeline as above CEOS Experts Do we need to formalize these positions? CEOS Representatives to External Steering Committees Committing person from an Agency and not CEOS Letters to CEOS from External Partners asking for commitments Responses from CEOS Chair, follow-up dictated by New Initiatives Process Paper Essential “X” Variables