Thought for the Week: It’s okay not to win.
We all like to win............
But it’s okay to lose too........
What matters is how you lose....
Winning and Losing I like to play games with my friends. We have to take turns to be the winner.
Sometimes I am the winner. This makes me happy. I can say ‘Good game Sometimes I am the winner. This makes me happy. I can say ‘Good game!’ or ‘That was fun!’
This will make my friends feel happy This will make my friends feel happy. My friends will like playing with me. This will make me feel happy.
Sometimes I am not the winner. It is my friend’s turn to win Sometimes I am not the winner. It is my friend’s turn to win. This makes me feel sad or sometimes mad. This is okay. I can say ‘I feel sad I didn’t win’ or ‘Maybe I’ll win next time.’ I can say to my friend ‘That was a good game.’
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