Is it true?
What do I trust on the Internet? I consider the search engine I will use. I know how to check the accuracy of website information. I think critically about how to search the Internet.
Apply the TASC test Title Does the title look useful? Author Can I tell who’s written the information? Is this a reliable source? Summary Does this sound useful? Children Is it for suitable for children to read? Can I understand it?
Who was Sir Francis Drake? Apply the TASC test Who was Sir Francis Drake? Title Does the title look useful? Author Can I tell who’s written the information? Is this a reliable source? Summary Does this sound useful? Children Is it for suitable for children to read? Can I understand it?
What do I know about John Cabot? Answer on All about Explorers Answer on Zoom Explorers Answer on 3rd website 1. When and where was John Cabot born? 2. How many sons did Cabot have? 3. When did John Cabot die?
What can you tell about a web address? www World Wide Web: a selection of interlinked documents of content accessed through the Internet. http Hypertext transfer protocol: the method that browsers use to read webpages. Domain name The domain name is found after the http:// and www. to the first forward slash /. For example in the URL, is the domain name. Domain extension Part of the domain name e.g. .com or .net
What are your top tips for searching on the Internet?