Study of Film 1 Baker High School 2016 - 2018 Ms. Pierce School Genre Study of Film 1 Baker High School 2016 - 2018
School Genre: Setting School Students’ Homes Student Hangouts Student Workplaces Usually Present time
School Genre: Characters Friends, parents, siblings, teachers Teens at odds with the status quo Teachers are often mentors or guides Friends are confidantes
School Genre: Plot Conflicts: Bullying, Fighting, or Emotional Issues 2. Plot structures typically include: Overcoming bullying School related pressures Righting wrongs Teen Angst
School Genre Mood Symbols/Iconography School items Phones / Social Media Teen Fashion Proms Cars Optimistic: ending with a significant message about surviving teens years.
School Genre: Cinematic Style Numerous Close-up shots Artificial Lighting Teen Music Editing: split screens or other clever gimmicks to teen communication