6X 12-07-2016 Wednesday Chapter 2 Review Objective: Describe the encounter between Europe and the Americas during the 15th-17th centuries. Agenda: Prayer Do Now: Page 65 # 1-6: copy down the questions and write the answers. Discuss Do Now. Continue the rest of page 65-66 #7-13 all Homework: Study your notes. Open note/book test on Friday.
Page 65 # 1-6: copy down the questions and write the answers. The first Europeans to reach the east coast of North America were the __________. ____________established a navigation school and financed expeditions to the west coast of Africa. One of the most important European explorers was ___________, who was the first person to claim lands in the Americas for Spain. The first voyage that sailed completely around the world was headed by ______________. Sir Walter Raleigh founded a colony in Virginia after receiving a ____, a grant to set up a colony, from the queen of England. Large farms or __________, that specialize in growing one type of crop for profit, were common in Spanish America.
7a. The Vikings established settlements on the islands of Iceland and NewFoundland. He meant to go to Greenland, but he was blown off course and ended up in Newfoundland instead. 7B. Europeans began their voyages of exploration because they were looking for riches, Marco Polo stories made them interested in China, they were looking for new territories, and they wanted Christian converts. 7c. I think that sailors were motivated to sign on for voyages of exploration because they were offered great payment, they wanted to find riches, they wanted fame, they wanted excitement and adventure.