Meeting of the WFD CIS Working Group 2A ECOSTAT Introduction & objectives Presented by Anna-Stiina Heiskanen Joint Research Centre The Institute for Environment and Sustainability Inland and Marine Waters Unit
Tasks of the meeting Review the composition of the draft intercalibration register Review the outcome of the expert networks Agree on recommendations to revise the intercalibration network Review and discuss on the first draft on the intercalibration guidance Discuss and agree on options for intercalibration process
Other issues Discuss and agree on the draft mandate for Eutrophication activity Discuss on the synergies between ECOSTAT & RTD project REBECCA Discuss on the report of the ECOSTAT harmonisation task team and linkages to CEN
Current status in the compilation of the Register for the Intercalibration network
Steps in compilation of the draft register in 2003 June: MS & AC start site selections 16 July: Internet based reporting system operational: October: reports to WG 2A ECOSTAT & SCG 10 November: Closing of the draft register 17 Nov.: Submission to SCG and Water Directors (and to WFD committee) December: Submissions continued (15 Dec.)
Main developments since last WG 2A meeting... Draft intercalibration register finalised presented to Water Directors November 2003 Art. 21 Committee meeting 15 March 2004 Intercalibration – State-of-Play and Way Forward Annex 1; Outline for a decision on the register of intercalibration sites Annex 2; Information on the draft register of intercalibration sites on the basis of the metadata analysis Annex 3: List of sites in the draft intercalibration register Annex 4: List of additional sites (Preliminary lists of intercalibration sites sent by Finland, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Slovakia and Romania)
Submission of datasets to Intercalibration metadatabase
Draft register for Intercalibration network Status on 10 November 2003 915 sites over Europe ~ 10 % Coastal ~ 30 % Lakes ~ 60 % Rivers
Water Directors meeting Rome, November 2003 “The Water Directors raised the need for allowing flexibility to review the draft register in 2004 and also following the agreement on a first register in 2005 and 2006. (…) all changes after the end of 2004 will have to be approved by the Article 21 Committee”
Completion of final register in 2004 Analysis of the composition of the current register carried out by JRC-EEWAI – January (data uploaded on 12 January for analysis) Expert networks – rivers, lakes, coastal & transtional waters - carried out analyses of the revision needs for the draft register –Workshop at JRC, Ispra , 11-13 February, 2004 WG 2A needs to review and agree on principles of revision : Meeting on March 4-5, at JRC
AGENDA item 9.00 1 Welcome & opening of the meeting 9.15 2 Objectives of the meeting 9.30 3 Composition of the current (draft) intercalibration register 10.30 Coffee break 11.00 4 Outcome of the expert meeting on evaluation of the draft intercalibration register 12.30 Lunch 14.00 5a Proposal for the revisions of the IC network and metadata questionnaire 5b Coast experts’ proposal 15:00 6 Draft Guidance and options for intercalibration process 7 Proposal for the options of the intercalibration process 16.00 16.30 6 & 7 Discussion on intercalibration process continued 18:00 Transport to hotels 20:00 Dinner (transport from hotels at 19.30)
Agenda –cont.. 8.30 Transport to JRC 9.00 8 Linkages between REBECCA research project and ECOSTAT 10.00 Coffee 10:30 11 Draft mandate for the Eutrophication activity 12:00 10 Report from DG ENV meeting with CEN 12.30 Lunch 14.00 9 Harmonisation task team report 14.45 12 Any Other Business 15.00 13 Summing up & conclusions 16.00 End of the meeting
Documents distributed Agenda items Document 4 – Outcome of the expert meeting on evaluation of the draft intercalibration register Overview of common Intercalibration types, v.4.0; distributed on 27 Feb. 5a – Proposal for the revisions of the IC network and metadata questionnaire Recommndations for the revisions of the draft register, v.1,1, distributed on 27 Feb. 5b - Coast experts’proposal Some Suggestions from COAST.., distributed on 25 Feb. 6 - Draft Guidance on intercalibration process Guidance on intercalibration process, v.1,0; distributed on 25 Feb. 11 – Draft mandate for the Eutrophication activity Draft mandate distributed on 25 Feb., new version on 3 March