The Lasting Legacy of WORLD WAR I “Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow”
What did the leaders decide? Big Four
Aftermath: Kaiser Wilhelm II leaves Germany German Soldiers mutiny-knew they lost Revolution and revolts in Germany-Want answers to the war Austria-Hungary empire-No more New Countries=Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia Constant fighting within region for next 80 years- very different cultures and ethnic backgrounds
It’s Finally Over!!!!!! November 9, 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates the throne of Germany November 11, 1918 11 hour, 11 day of the 11 month Armistice-Ceasefire agree to a peace conference
Peace built on Quicksand Reasons for War had changed over the years- went from territorial gain to revenge/punishment/”peace” 440 clauses to the treaty-reasons/414 spelled out Germany’s responsibility for the war (26 dealt with League of Nations which is to prevent any further wars like this)
Pres. Wilson’s 14 points 9page 523) Create a lasting peace Balance of power in Europe Colonies of once ruled by Europeans would be able to have “Self-determination” or freedom to rule themselves Reduce the competition in Europe (Military, Nationalism, Alliances, Imperialism)
Website: Treaty of Versailles
True Intentions: Wilson wanted a lasting peace filled with world democracy and balance WWI was the peoples’ war on militarism and absolute rule League of Nations= created to prevent any more wars like WWI “Talk it out” No more Secrets!! Too many feelings of revenge and wanting to reaffirm world power and dominance US gets to go home…No War there!
Allies had a different outlook: Could not ignore secret treaties=would mean to give up land MAKE GERMANY PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stripe Germany of all weapons, military, make reparations, buffer zone (Rhineland) between France and Germ. Germany should have no say nor should Russia at the Peace Conference Italy=though invited had a small say in things
Treaty of Versailles (page 524)
Germany upset=sense of hostility War-Guilt Clause= GERMANY (and small print Austria) was to take full responsibility for starting the war Reduce army to 100,000 Give up land/territory Could not expand Had to pay for the war and what they did to the allies Under close watch by the Allies-hated!!!
New Countries=New problems Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Turkey. These countries would be a buffer zone for future conflicts and ultimately pay the price in WWII
LEGACY OF WWI: 1919-1939 Creation of new nations=new tensions Feelings of revenge, power, control Rising of Dictators: Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini promised to save their nations Economic boom leads to Depression Inflation-had to print money to repay debts of WWI (Germany) Total War= 10 million dead, destruction beyond compare, insecurity (who can be trusted!)
Essential Questions: The End of WWI 1. What is meant “ A Peace Built on Quicksand”? 2. Why is the Treaty of Versailles/the ending of World War One viewed as not a lasting peace? 3. Describe the ending of WWI-(Who won, how they felt, etc.)