Grega Strban, Academic Expert MISSOC NETWORK MEETING Nicosia, 25 & 26 October 2012 Means-tested benefits and poverty traps Presentation of the topic of the MISSOC Analysis 2013/1 and introduction to the working groups Grega Strban, Academic Expert
Suggested goals of the report To analyse the evolution of means-tested benefits in the MISSOC countries over the last years To explore their interaction with “poverty traps” To what extent do means-tested benefits contribute to (or avoid) poverty traps?
“Poverty traps” : a rough definition Refers to cases where the provision of various benefits/advantages discourages beneficiaries from going back to work If they take up a job, their disposable income would be lower or not attractive enough to make up for the financial and/or non-financial disadvantages following their return to work Poverty traps will be analysed only in relation to means-tested benefits
Analysis of the recent evolution of means-tested benefits Structural elements Which social protection systems are mainly concerned? For which kinds of benefits? General or risk-related (categorical) benefits Evolution (crisis) Characteristics of means tests Whose resources are considered? Which resources are taken into account or excluded? Other criteria (exhaustion of other claims, family status, employability, etc.) Duration and amount of means-tested benefits Accumulation with work income
Focused on defined means-tested benefits Methodology Focused on defined means-tested benefits Guaranteed minimum resources Unemployment Family Invalidity Survivors Report highlighting national examples Report based on MISSOC & other information
Questions for discussion in working groups Did your country recently introduce means-tested benefits or alter existing ones? Is the risk of poverty traps considered when designing means tests? What has been the impact of the economic crisis on entitlement to/calculation of means-tested benefits? Do you know of existing poverty traps in your country in relation to means-tested benefits? What does your country do to fight them? Which benefits do you think are most relevant for the scope of this MISSOC Analysis report? How to make maximal use of MISSOC information for the purposes of this report?