Tatiana Johnson Suzaine Pador Makeida Arnold How Blacks Were Denied Their Freedom After Slavery Tatiana Johnson Suzaine Pador Makeida Arnold
Introduction: African Americans’ freedom were denied even after slavery. There were groups that were created to make African Americans feel inferior. We have 3 main topics that stopped African Americans from being treated equally. The K.K.K. (Klu Klux Klan), the segregation of White and Black kids in schools, and how blacks were mistreated by the authorities.
The Klu Klux Klan: The objective of this group was to terrorize African Americans into a secondary role. They did this so that Blacks were prevented from gaining wealth, authority, or elective influence. This group was known for shootings, hangings, and cross-burnings of Blacks. Most of the times they were not punished for their crimes
Segregated Schools: A lot of the times Blacks and Whites were separated in schools The Black schools didn’t have good supplies and got old/used items from the White schools Many Blacks didn’t get a good education and didn’t have the same opportunities that Whites had Teachers at Black schools didn’t get paid the same salary as White teachers Black schools had shorter school years than Whites which meant less time to learn
Mistreatment By Authorities: Sometimes Blacks were arrested by authorities just for standing up for themselves Big figures in the Civil Rights movement were arrested (Martin Luther King Jr.) This picture shows a group of African Americans being hosed by a firefighter. Here’s a picture of African Americans being beaten by police officers and attacked by police dogs.
Emmett Till: Was a 14 year old boy Accused of flirting (whistling at) with a white cashier 2 white men later kidnapped, beat, and shot him. They also tied him to a car and dragged him. The two men who committed these crimes were tried for his murder but an all-white, male jury acquitted them. Emmett Tills body at his funeral.
The End Made By: Suzaine Pador Tatiana Johnson Makeida Arnold