20 September 2018 9:30-10:30h room: MIMER Which are the most effective walking and cycling measures for your city? ISAAC project 20 September 2018 9:30-10:30h room: MIMER
PROGRAMME Moderator: Dagmar Köhler, Polis Demonstration of the ISAAC tool by example of a city Tim De Ceunynck, VIAS institute Understanding the impact of walking and cycling measures How effective are bike streets? Gert Jan Wijlhuizen, SWOV How effective are pedestrian crossings? Tim De Ceunynck, VIAS institute Let‘s chat: thematic breakout groups Moderator: Dagmar Köhler, Polis
breakout groups TABLE 1: Let’s browse it! Joint use of ISAAC tool Host: Gert Jan Wijlhuizen, SWOV TABLE 2: Do we know the effectiveness of walking and cycling measures? Host: Dagmar Köhler, Polis TABLE 3: Which measure had the biggest impact in your city to promote walking and cycling? Host: La Rochelle? TABLE 4: What makes a tool useful for you? Host: Tim De Ceunynck, VIAS institute
LAUNCH OF THE ISAAC TOOL Stay tuned for the official launch on 22 November 2018 at the Annual Polis Conference in Manchester, UK
Thank you! Visit the ISAAC stand in the exhibition area. http://www.polisnetwork/isaac