The Acts of the Apostles Acts 6 In Those Days Acts 6:1 Now in these days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a murmuring of the Grecian Jews against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. Sunday – December 4, 2016 Many of the slides used in this presentation are prepared by Joe Price and are used and adapted with his permission.
Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Ascension of Christ. ______ Peter's third sermon before the Sanhedrin. ______ Paul before the Sanhedrin. ______ Conclusion of the first journey. ______ Paul before Festus. ______ Horrible death of Herod Agrippa I. 1 4 23 14 25 12
Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Raising of Dorcas (Tabitha) from the dead by Peter. ______ Simon the sorcerer. ______ Completion of the second tour. ______ Paul with Aquila and Priscilla at Corinth. ______ First evangelistic tour begins at Antioch. ______ Paul and Silas at Thessalonica. 9 8 18 18 13 17
Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Gamaliel's advice concerning Christianity before the Sanhedrin. ______ The first sermon under the gospel by Peter. ______ Second evangelistic tour begins. ______ Stephen's defense and martyrdom. ______ Paul stoned at Lystra. ______ Conversion of Cornelius. 5 2 15 7 14 10
Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Paul before Herod Agrippa II. ______ Peter's second sermon. ______ The healing of the impotent man at Lystra. ______ Demetrius, the silversmith, and his opposition to Paul. ______ Apostolic miracles. ______ The apostles arrested by the Jews and miraculously released. 26 3 14 19 5 5
Acts 6 In Those Days There is work we call can do! Matthew 10:42 Acts 6 gives us a snapshot of the work going on in the Jerusalem church
Acts 6 In Those Days In those Days the Gospel Continued to be Preached in Spite of Opposition, 5:40-42. In those Days Many Miracles Occurred that Confirmed the Word, 5:14-16 (32); Mark 16:20. In those Days the Church was Growing in Number, 6:1, 7. NOTE: Growth is connected to the spread of the word of God. Conversion of many priests a significant milestone (John 12:42).
Acts 6 In Those Days The problem: Some widows were being neglected in the daily service, cf. Acts 4:35. This neglect was compounded by the appearance that favoritism was behind the problem. Two groups of Jews: Hebrews: Native speakers, localized. Hellenists (Grecian Jews): Jews who lived among the Gentiles and spoke the Greek language (cf. 2:5).
Acts 6 In Those Days Murmuring: “a secret displeasure not openly avowed,” Philippians 2:14; 1 Peter 4:9. Has the potential of greatly disrupting the work of the gospel. No respect of persons by Christians, James 2:1. When the problem and the complaint became know it was immediately addressed and solved, Acts 6:2-7.
THE CHURCH IN THOSE DAYS. Acts 6 The Church Still had Problems to Address, Acts 6:1. Growth for the sake of numbers is not apostolic, Acts 5:14. Neither is ignoring problems for the sake of “peace.” Bible solutions produce the climate for more growth (numerical and spiritual), 6:7; Ephesians 4:11-16.
THE CHURCH IN THOSE DAYS. Acts 6 Not: A church-wide meeting at which the church exercised authority concerning what to do (distorted by some today who wish to give women leadership roles in the church). Rather: The assembly was told what to do by the apostles – and they gladly submitted to apostolic authority. Pleased (6:5): “to strive to please; to accommodate one’s self to the opinions desires and interests of others” (Thayer). The church was committed to pleasing the apostles (Christ) – not themselves!
THE CHURCH IN THOSE DAYS. Acts 6 The church is still under apostolic authority, and obeys it for the same reason today, Galatians 1:6-9; Acts 2:42; 2 Corinthians 5:9.
THE CHURCH IN THOSE DAYS. Acts 6 Everyone Had Work to Do, and Everyone was Taught to Respect And Encourage Each Other’s Work. Serve tables: Daily distribution to needy saints, 6:1-2. Select 7 men (enough to do the work), 6:3. Qualifications: Good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Serve the word: Prayer and the ministry of the word.
Acts 6 STEPHEN IN THOSE DAYS Full of Faith and Power (miracles), Acts 6:8 (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11).
Acts 6 STEPHEN IN THOSE DAYS Full of the Word of God, Acts 6:8, 10. He spoke it clearly to opponents of the truth, 6:9. Dispute: (verse 9) Inquire, question, reason, Acts 17:2-3, 11-12; Jude 3. See his faith in the power of the word of God: Wisdom: The ability to use facts (knowledge = accumulation of facts) properly to solve problems or arrive at proper conclusions. The Spirit: Divine inspiration.