Mrs. Verwys Welcome to 8th grade science Mrs. Verwys
Class Requirements 3. Homework: 10% 4. Labs, reports & projects: 20% 1. Tests 50% 2. Quizzes 15% 3. Homework: 10% 4. Labs, reports & projects: 20% 5. Participation/do now: 5% Homework is given almost every night. If a student misses a homework, they have 1 night to make it up for ½ credit. After that the assignment will no longer be accepted. Quizzes approximately once a week. Unit tests approximately once a month.
Absences and Extra Help Students are responsible for obtaining any missed notes due to absences. Hand-outs are kept on file for 1 week after the day they are given out. Mrs. Verwys’ extra help Mon., Tues., and Thurs. after school in 205 Ms. Michels’ extra help Mon. and Thurs. after school. Tues. 7:25 am in 140
New York State Science Test NYS science test is comprised of two parts a. Lab test. b. Written test made up of multiple choice and short answer questions. The test is based on all the material your child has learned in science from grades 5-8 on all subjects in science life science physical science (physics and chemistry) earth science
First Quiz will be given back tomorrow and will need to be signed! Important Dates Current Events dates are assigned each quarter. Your child will receive the schedule for the 1st quarter soon. First Quiz will be given back tomorrow and will need to be signed!
Technology in the science classroom Some homework assignments may be given using google classroom. Google classroom links to your child’s school google accounts. Sign up for text reminds – used only for important reminds such as a due date or a quiz/test.
Encourage your child to ask questions whenever they are confused.