8Y 05-11-2017 Thursday World War I and the Aftermath Objective: Describe the impact of WWI. Agenda: Prayer Do Now: Seterra Asia Map Quiz for about 10 minutes – Google Classroom Discuss Shell Shock Study Time Practice Quiz on Industrial Revolution
WWI Causes Major Causes: Catalyst: Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife (from Austria-Hungary) because Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia region and Serbian nationalists felt it should belong to Serbia. Militarism – country builds up military. Why? Show power. Protect their territories. Imperialism. Increasing tension over imperialism. Alliances – Germany was afraid of the increased aggression of Great Britain and France. So it sought out an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Russia. Other alliances were formed to defend against other major powers. Increased tension over imperialism of these allied imperial nations. Imperialism – cause of militarism. Conquest of territories/other countries to gain resources or profit. Nationalism – Belief that there is a national identity due to shared region, culture, language, ethnicity. Caused the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (see above). Belief that the nation should be independent and self-governing. Maybe a result of imperialism? A response to imperialism? with few exceptions, the major effect is disintegration of empires (breaking apart) Cause of American entrance into the war: Lusitania – German ships had been sinking U.S. boats. They sank the passenger ship, Lusitania. 128 Americans died, along with a total of 1200 people. British passenger ship. Zimmerman Telegram: made Wilson ask Congress to declare war on Germany. A note from Germany intercepted by the U.S., asking Mexico to ally with Germany and invade the U.S.
WWI Effects/Results 9 million people died. European immigration to the U.S. was stopped. Decrease in labor force. Allowed African Americans to enter into more industries for work. War time economy for U.S. – increased efficiency and production. Retooled for militarization. Better assembly lines created. Economic boom. After war, economy went down depleted. U.S. – after a brief economic downturn, U.S. became the major trading partners for European nations because its resources were not destroyed by the war. This contributed to an economic boom. Treaty of Versailles – Punished Germany- worsened their economic depression because they were required to pay $33 billion. Partitioned and lost many of their land/territories. Ottoman Empire and Austria Hungary were also taken apart. Britain and France divided up these lands. Humiliated Germany. Led eventually to German anger and rise of Hitler. European countries were busy with economic depression and reparations after this war. Germany was able to re-militarize and went unchecked. Post traumatic stress disorder “shell shock” - soldiers psychological disorder New Technologies used for war – tanks by Great Britain, machine guns, trenches, chemical warfare by Germans, shelling
Industrial Revolution Triggered/began with Richard Arkwright’s water frame invention. Designs stolen by Samuel Slater and brought to the U.S. – brought the Industrial Revolution to the U.S. – other major inventions followed: Cotton gin – Eli Whitney – revitalized slavery. Slavery was about to die out. Tobacco, rice, indigo were no longer profitable. Cotton was too hard to harvest until the cotton gin. Can use slaves to harvest cotton and use cotton gin. Big demand for cotton because the Industrial Revolution had the biggest impact on the textile industry. Turned the South into more farms/plantations. Interchangeable parts – made the North focus on factories Railroads – made it easier to go West – lead to more and easier western expansion who gets the land? Slave states or none slave states? sectionalism – fight over the land