The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me To Set at Liberty those Who are Oppressed “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and … to set the oppressed free.” Isaiah 58:6 Sermon Notes: For more on this series see: The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me … Our focus scripture is found in Luke 4:18-19. Jesus proclaimed these words that were fulfilled in Him: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. Jesus fulfilled this scripture by doing all these things through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus teaches that he will send the Holy Spirit to help us and empower us to do the same things He did, and even greater things (John 14:12). The same Holy Spirit that was upon Jesus can also be upon us! Throughout this series we are asking the Holy Spirit to come upon each of us to do what Jesus asks us to do. Use Luke 4:18-19 as a personal prayer: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me …” Ask the Holy Spirit to deepen (or begin) your relationship with Jesus Christ. This week ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to pray for someone who is hurt or oppressed. How can the Spirit use you to help set this person free? … To Set at Liberty those Who are Oppressed Read Isaiah 58:6 at the top of the page. The word for oppressed used there and in Luke 4:18 can also be translated “bruised” or “crushed.” It is an outside force that can leave one oppressed, bruised, or crushed. The Spirit of the Lord is upon us both to oppose the oppressing force and to free the victim. In the power of the Holy Spirit we are to stand against forces like human trafficking, child abuse, racism, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and other symptoms of a fallen world. The Holy Spirit empowers us to make a difference. We are to act against and “renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness … and the evil powers of this world” as we say in our baptismal vows.” In addition, the Holy Spirit is upon us to set at liberty the oppressed, bruised or crushed. We can be healed of our wounds and we can be instruments of healing for the wounds of others. The Holy Spirit is upon us to bring freedom to the victim of trafficking, the abused, the victim of racism, the addict, etc. The Holy Spirit is upon us as the great Comforter to the wounded. In Christ, each person can be free of oppression. Wellspring Pastor Wellspring Guest Relations Wellspring Worship Director Doug Fox Jennifer Spring Conner Byrd @RevDougFox @WellspringFUMC @ConnerByrd