Establishment of a Proper Manual Tactile Test for Hands With Sensory Deficits  Hsiu-Yun Hsu, MS, Li-Chieh Kuo, PhD, I-Ming Jou, MD, PhD, Shu-Min Chen,


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Presentation transcript:

Establishment of a Proper Manual Tactile Test for Hands With Sensory Deficits  Hsiu-Yun Hsu, MS, Li-Chieh Kuo, PhD, I-Ming Jou, MD, PhD, Shu-Min Chen, MD, Haw-Yen Chiu, MD, PhD, Fong-Chin Su, PhD  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Volume 94, Issue 3, Pages 451-458 (March 2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2012.07.024 Copyright © 2013 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Terms and Conditions

Fig 1 The setup of MTT. (A) Schematic representation of the MTT test. (B) Three cylinders of identical shape with different weight were designed for barognosis test. (C) Plastic cubes with coatings of 3 different degrees of roughness were designed for roughness differentiation test. (D) Three objects with different shapes (cubes, ellipsoids, spheroids) made of plastic were designed for stereognosis test. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2013 94, 451-458DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2012.07.024) Copyright © 2013 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Terms and Conditions

Fig 2 Time requirements for the CTS and control groups. The results showed the discriminant validity of each subtest in the MTT between the patients and healthy controls. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2013 94, 451-458DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2012.07.024) Copyright © 2013 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Terms and Conditions

Fig 3 Constructed ROC curves for subtests to indicate the accuracy of this diagnostic tool of the MTT. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2013 94, 451-458DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2012.07.024) Copyright © 2013 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Terms and Conditions