Company LOGO Nurse Aide Information Mary Smith Program Coordinator
Explanation of forms 1. Immunizations 2. Medical Physical 3. Urine Drug Screen
Right Now Show the Forms and Requirements to the Healthcare Professional Show the Forms and Requirements to the Healthcare Professional Private Physician Health Department Neighborhood Clinic Urgent Care Center Private Physician Health Department Neighborhood Clinic Urgent Care Center Make an Appointment Make an Appointment Medical Physical Immunizations Medical Physical Immunizations
Individual Requirements Vary Meck. County Health Dept Urgent Care Private Physician Clinics CMC Biddle Point Northpark Billingsley Road Presbyterian Carolinas Healthcare Med Pro Pru Care Doctors Office
Immunization Requirements Tetanus Td/Tdap 2 Step Tuberculosis TB Skin Test Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Varicella (Chickenpox) Hepatitis B Doctors Office or Clinic Healthcare Professional Flu Shot during Flu season
Tuberculosis Screening Required Written Proof: Past 30 days Past 5 years Negative Chest X-Ray for TB Negative PPD Skin Test OR
Immunizations Vaccine Schedule Tetanus (Td/Tdap) 1 dose (every 10 years) Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) 1 or 2 doses Hepatitis B 3 doses ( 0, 1-2, 4-6 mos.) Varicella 2 doses ( 0, 4-8 wks) Influenza 1 dose (during flu season )
Places for the Urine Drug Test DOT 13 Panel Screen 1918 Randolph Rd Suite 175 Charlotte, NC Matthews Township Pkwy Suite 170 Matthews, NC Blakeney Park Dr. Suite 200-A Charlotte, NC Bring Receipt to Class Visit Presbyterian Urgent Care at one of these locations
Paperwork for NA Class Negative TB Test Nurse Aide Student Proof of 13 Panel Urine Drug Test Social Security Card Government Issued Picture Identification Medical Physical Immunizations