WIMAX聚合子層於嵌入式系統下之探討與實現 The research and implementation of WiMAX convergence sublayer system over an embedded system Advisor : Dr. Kai-Wei Ke Speaker : Chao-Sung Yah Data : 2008 07/01
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System flow System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
IEEE 802.16D MAC LAYER Convergence Sublayer (CS) Mapping external network data into MAC SDU Classifying external network SDU Associating to MAC connection ID Payload header suppression (PHS) Common Part Sublayer (CPS) System access Bandwidth allocation Connection establishment Connection maintenance Security Sublayer Authentication Security key exchange Encryption
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System flow System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
Asyncronous Transfer Mode (ATM) CS Packet CS SERVICE SPECIFIC Asyncronous Transfer Mode (ATM) CS Packet CS The packet CS is used for transport for all packet-based protocols such as Internet Protocol (IP),Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), and IEEE Std 802.3 (Ethernet). Other CSs may be specified in the future
PACKET CONVERGENCE SUB-LAYER(PCS) Down-link Classification of the higher-layer protocol PDU Suppression of payload header information (optional) Delivery of the resulting CS PDU to the MAC SAP UP-link Receipt of the CS PDU from MAC SAP Rebuilding of any suppressed payload header information (optional)
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System flow System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
PRIORITY AND SERVICE FLOW VALUE DESIGN Priority value Service Flow Type Define No Priority 1 BE 2~3 NRTPS 4~5 RTPS 6~7 UGS
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System flow System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
TYPE OF SERVICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Precedence D T R C Reserved
TYPE OF SERVICE IP Precedence Priority 000 Routine (lowest priority) 001 010 Immediate 011 Flash 100 Flash Override 101 Critical 110 Internetworking Control 111 Network Control (highest priority)
SUGGESTION VALUE Application Delay Throughput Reliability Cost Telnet 1 FTP Command FTP DATA SMTP Command SMTP Data DNS ICMP NNTP
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System flow System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
DIFFERENTIAL SERVICE(DIFFSERV) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Differential Service Code Point (DSCP) CU
DIFFERENTIAL SERVICE CODE POINT Four kind of Per Hop Behavior : 一、The Default PHB:DCSP value is 000000, Service type is Best Effort Service 。 二、Class-Selector PHBs,DSCP value is xxx000, the default Codepoint is also Class-Selector Codepoint 。 三、Expedited Forwarding(EF) PHB,low loss , low delay ,low jitter,bandwidth guarantee , DSCP value is 101110。 四、Assured Forwarding (AFxy) PHB , F4>F3>F2>F1 ,Fx3>Fx2>Fx1
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-Know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System flow System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
WELL-KNOW PORT AND SERVICE FLOW VALUE DESIGN Port Number Service Name Transport Protocol Application Service Server Flow 7 Echo TCP/UDP Reply test BE 20 FTP Data TCP FTP Data Port NRTPS 21 FTP FTP Control Poet 23 Telnet Telnet Server Port 25 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 43 Who is Who、Nickname 53 Domain Domain Name Server(DNS) 69 TFTP UDP Trivial File Transfer Protocol 80 HTTP Web Server 110 POP3 Post Office Protocol 3 443 HTTPS Encryption HTTP 554 RTSP Real Time Stream Control Protocol RTPS
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-Know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System flow System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
RTP Header IP header UDP header RTP header RTP payload
RTP PAYLOAD TYPE AND SERVICE FLOW VALUE DESIGN Server Flow Audio 0~23 UGS Vedio 24~33 RTPS Unknow 33 up
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-Know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-Know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-Know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
System over embedded system
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-Know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK To design A strong Classification is difficult, especially to differentiate multimedia. A complex Classification can enhance QoS efficiency. Future Work 1.IPv6 Classification impletement. 2.IEEE802.16e silence voice categorization.
OUTLINE Introduction Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE 802.16d MAC Layer IEEE 802.16d CS sub-layer Service Flow Categorization Design IEEE802.1Q/P Type of Service Diff-Serv Well-Know Port RTP protocol IEEE 802.16d-2004 Convergence Sub-layer Implementation System Architecture Subsystem design System over embedded system Conclusion and Future Work References
REFERENCES RFC Source Book http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/default1001.htm 標籤交換虛擬網路下端點對端點服務品質保證之研究 http://thesis.lib.ncu.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search- c/view_etd?URN=92522002 Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point-to- Point_Protocol_over_Ethernet#PADI RFC 2474 : Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers RFC 1890 : RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control Status of this Memo