Morning Warm- Up We are taught to do the right thing Morning Warm- Up We are taught to do the right thing. Sometimes it's hard though. What happens when we do the wrong thing?
Morning Warm- Up Today we will read all about Norman Morning Warm- Up Today we will read all about Norman. Norman makes an awful mistake and causes everybody to get upset. Have you ever caused someone to be upset?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we'll read more about Anansi Morning Warm- Up! Today we'll read more about Anansi. His mama says, "Don't eat my stew!“ Anansi doesn't obey her though. Why do we have rules to obey?
Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about some young people and their ideas. They started some important groups that made a difference. How can you make a difference?
Morning Warm- Up. This week we read about troublemakers Morning Warm- Up! This week we read about troublemakers. They often use bad judgment and do the wrong thing. What can you do when you make a mistake?