June 2019 Release Scope DSC Change Management Committee August 2018
Background Seek approval from the ChMC to agree the CPs proposed for the June 19 Release Xoserve are continuing to complete the capture phase in full for all CPs This will include detailed impact assessment of each CP in scope of the June 19 release This will enable release scoping to validate that the demand can meet the capacity available to provide increased delivery confidence
Xos Proposed Prioritisation Score Shipper/NTS/ DNs/IGTs Change Proposal Index Proposed Release XRN Change Title Xos Proposed Prioritisation Score Proposed R&N Release Complexity Funding June 19 4642 Address Maintenance Solution 44% June 2019 Medium Xoserve 4670 Reject a replacement read, where the read provided is identical to that already held in UK Link for the same read date 18% Low 4687 PSR updates for large domestic sites 35% Shippers 4690 Actual read following estimated transfer read calculating AQ of 1 40% 4691 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats (CGI Files) 32% DN 4692 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats (CIN Files) 4693 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats - Files Affected: CIC, CIR, CAI, CAO, DCI, DCO, CIN, CCN, CUN High 4694 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats (Create new data validations ) 4676 Reconciliation issues with reads recorded between D-1 to D-5 65% 4679 Requiring a Meter Reading following a change of Local Distribution Zone or Exit Zone 4686 Smart Metering Report 29% Shipper/NTS/ DNs/IGTs 4044 Extension of ‘Must Read’ process to include Annual Read sites Cadent Gas 4645 The rejection of incrementing reads submitted for an Isolated Supply Meter Point (RGMA flows) 37% Shippers/DNs September 19 4376 GB Charging & Incremental (IP PARCA) Capacity Allocation Change Delivery (2019) 31% September 2019 NTS 4665 Creation of new End User Categories 46% June/Sep-2019 November 2019 4713 Actual read following estimated transfer read calculating AQ of 1 (linked to XRN4690) 30% 4621 Suspension of the Validation between Meter Index and Unconverted Converter Index 26% Shipper/DNs Unallocated 4541 Read Design Gaps - Missing Override Flags In RGMA and Retro Files - Linked to Retro (4474) 4474 Delivery of Retro 38% *Footnote: Black italics indicates that the funding has not been formally agreed at ChMC
Change Proposal per Major Release by Priority Score and Complexity February 19 Implementation June 19 Implementation September 19 Implementation November 19 Implementation 100% 90% 80% Key: High Complexity Medium Complexity Low Complexity 70% 4676 60% Xoserve Priority Score 50% 4665 4679 4690 4642 4645 4044 40% 4713 4687 4691 4692 4693 4694 4376 30% 4621 4686 20% 4670 10% 0% Time Proposed Release Dates & Priority Score are reflected from the Change Register. Complexity is an initial stage 1 assessment for each CP