Fourth Graders Are Here… Never Fear… Fourth Graders Are Here… 2018-2019
We’re SO glad to have you in our classes! 4th Grade! We’re SO glad to have you in our classes!
Your Fourth Grade Teachers All 8 of us are on the same page and have the same expectations! When you are out of your room, you represent your class, your teacher, and fourth grade.
Fourth Grade Philosophy R-E-S-P-E-C-T Yourself Time (use your time wisely) Others Property Use manners at all times.
Be Independent! Do not ask your teacher 5,000 questions! Try your absolute best! Be a risk-taker! If you make a mistake, then it’s the best way to learn!
Talking There should not be excessive talking in class, in Specials, in the lunchroom, or in the hallway. There are appropriate times to speak socially and academically. Remember, you represent your class and the fourth grade.
Grades You no longer have 1, 2, 3 or 3+ You have A, B, C, D, F. If you are not happy with a grade, then ask, “What can I do to make this better?” or “Did I do my BEST?” SYNERGY-You and your parents can check your grades.
We just want you to give 100% effort! A’s and B’s Wow! I’m working hard and being responsible! C’s Uh oh! I could work harder. I can bring my grade up with hard work. I’ve got this! D’s and F’s YIKES!! I’ll work harder and try my best from the beginning! We just want you to give 100% effort!
Work Quality Always do your BEST! If you don’t have time to do it right, you have time to do it again. If a teacher asks you to redo an assignment, it’s because we know you can do better. Have a Growth Mindset!
Organization You have to keep up with your work. There should never be loose papers in your desk or in your book bag. Music, Art, and Spanish assignments should be kept in appropriate folders. Your teacher will only make you ONE worksheet; no extras will be made.
Self-Assessment Do not ask the teacher, “Is this okay?” Follow directions that are given. If you think you have done your best, then be happy!
Procedures Morning Arrival If eating breakfast, go to cafeteria first! Do not spend your whole morning visiting former teachers! You have morning work to complete! Follow your teacher’s procedures for the morning!
Procedures continued… Hallway: Two blocks off wall Hands to you side Face forward Silence When by yourself: Be quiet! (You are not the only person in the building.) Go to your destination. There is no need to talk in the hallway.
More Procedures… Cafeteria: Sit at your table; do not get up and visit friends Face forward (Do not turn around and talk to other students) Talk to people near you Silence when lining up Dismissal: Stand quietly and wait patiently
Even More Procedures…. Bathroom: Not a playground Use the restroom; do not look or go into another stall if a student is in there Wash your hands…yucky!! Notify teacher if there is a problem in the restroom
Recess Line up quickly and quietly when you hear your teacher’s whistle. Being safe-don’t go behind the bushes. Run to the curb if you see a car or garbage truck. Don’t go by cars or where teachers can’t see you. Play nicely with others and include people if they want to play.
Are you Acting Like a CHAMP? Positive Behavior Plan for the Common Areas of Cheatham Hill Elementary
The meaning of the acronym CHAMP C-Check Your Feet H-Hands to Yourself A-Always Act Respectfully M-Make Good Decisions P-Pay Attention
How does a CHAMP look in the Bathroom? Check your Feet-Students will keep their feet on the ground Hands to Yourself Always Act Respectfully-Students will use toilets and sinks appropriately. Make Good Decisions-Students will wash their hands. Pay Attention-Students will pay attention to their actions, not the actions of others.
How does a CHAMP look in the Hallway? Check your feet-Students will walk on the second tile. Hands to Yourself-Hands by your side. Always Act Respectfully-Keep voices off while others are learning. Make Good Decisions-Follow all directions given by the teacher. Pay Attention-Pay attention to where they are going in the hallway.
How does a CHAMP look in the Cafeteria? Check your Feet-Students keeping their feet to themselves at the table. Hands to Yourself-Students only touching their food. Always Act Respectfully-Saying “Please” and “Thank You” in the lunch line, picking up trash, and talking quietly. Make Good Decisions-Follow all directions given by lunch monitor. Pay Attention-Students will walk towards the lunch line and line up after lunch appropriately.
Where to look for help Find a study buddy! Look on the Internet and your class blog Do not leave school if you are not certain of an assignment. Ask someone. YOUR TEACHER!!!