Computer Programming
First Things Check login and software First-day handout and blog FMS Logo Netbeans Python Scratch First-day handout and blog Names (nicknames?) Google Calendar Google Sites Homework and grading Expectations
First-day handout On the blog Please tell parents Please tell parents
Names Do you go by a name different from what I have on the register? Let me know Let me check pronunciation Let me see if I can learn them by the end of next week
Google Calendar Your responsibility Check it now Calendar overlays Five-minute practice
Google Sites Personal course portfolio Not the same as the school e-portfolio Set up during this lesson
Homework and Grading No homework No tests or exam Short quizzes Effort is important Completing work is important Communication through your website is important
Expectations Progress every lesson Self-direction Cooperation Portfolio
Google Sites Use your login name Set up site using template Left hand sidebar (LHS) Create some docs and link to them from the LHS Create a Youtube channel