Clinton and the 1990’s!
Day 3: George H.W. Bush/Persian Gulf War/Clinton and the 90’s. Explain Reganomics in 2 sentences.
Task! Research the “Persian Gulf War.” Look for causes, details of the actual fighting, and the result of the war. 7 bullet points.
William Jefferson Clinton He was the first “baby-boomer” (kids born after WWII) to win the Presidency. He was a “new” Democrat and worked to move the party more towards the center. He’s married to Hillary Clinton.
Election of 1992 George H. Bush was super popular after the Gulf War in 1991, but then super unpopular after the Recession of 1992. Bill Clinton ran on the promises that he could get us out of the Recession. So did third party candidate Ross Perot He was an oil man and extremely wealthy. He also is going to attract a lot of Republican votes, which hurt Bush.
Clinton’s reform Healthcare was first. He wanted to guarantee affordable healthcare to all Americans. He put Hillary in charge of this initiative. In the end though, a Republicans attacked the plan as being “big government” and Congress never ended up voting on the bill.
Welfare Reform He had campaigned on getting people off of Welfare and back to work. What he did was put welfare in charge of the states. States would receive a set amount of money from the federal government, and they could decide how to use the funds. This was very successful in getting people off Welfare and helping the economy improve.
Budget Surplus and a booming economy For the first time in decades, the Federal Government brought in more money than it spent (a surplus). This is due to a strong American economy and boosted Clinton’s approval ratings.
Whitewater and Impeachment An investigation into Clinton illegally using money he got from the Whitewater Development started an investigation that eventually ended up in him getting impeached. It wasn’t the Whitewater thing, though, it was Monica Lewinsky. She was an intern who had an affair with Clinton, and he lied under oath about it. He gets impeached, but not removed from office.