GENRES Factual Genres Procedures Explanation Report Description Exposition Discussion Story Genres Narratives News Story Exemplum Anecdote Recount
RECOUNT Personal letters to friends are often recounts of experience. To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Events are usually arranged in a temporal sequence. Interpersonal meanings occur scattered throughout a text, if they are there at all. Recounts are used in most subjects to show memory of a series of events as in accounts of a Science excursion, everyday life in another time or culture. Personal letters to friends are often recounts of experience.
GENERIC/SCHEMATIC STRUCTURE OF A RECOUNT Orientation : Provides the setting and introduces participants Events : Tell what happened, in what sequence. Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 etc Re-orientation (optional element) : Closure of events.
on the incident (e.g. we had a wonderful time.). (Derewianka, 1990) The focus of a recount is on the sequence of events, all of which relate to a particular occasion. The recount generally begins with an ORIENTATION giving the readers/listeners the background information needed to understand the text (i.e. who was involved, where & when it happened) Then the recount unfolds with a SERIES OF EVENTS ordered in a chronological order/sequence. At various stages there may be some PERSONAL COMMENT The focus of a recount is on the sequence of events, all of which relate to a particular occasion. on the incident (e.g. we had a wonderful time.). (Derewianka, 1990)
LEXICO GRAMMATICAL FEATURES Focus on individual participants Use of past tense Focus on a temporal sequence of events Use of material (or action) clauses LEXICO GRAMMATICAL FEATURES
Personal Recount Use of first person singular Personal responses to the events can be included, particularly at the end. Details are often chosen to add interest or humor.
Factual Recount Use of third person Pronouns Details are usually selected to help the reader reconstruct the activity or incident accurately Sometimes the ending describes the outcome of the activity (e.g. in a science experiment) Mention of personal feelings is probably not appropriate Details of time, place and manner may need to be precisely stated. Descriptive details may also be required to provide precise information The passive voice may be used It may be appropriate to include explanations and justifications
Imaginative Recount Usually written in the first person. It may be appropriate to include personal reactions.
To look at various types of plants in different areas Recount Project Plant Observation To look at various types of plants in different areas
What was found at the places visited Excursion Program What was found at the places visited Recount of the trip
Preparation Get the terminology of Recount Give models (read different types of recount) Pin the printed text as models
Going on Excursion Prepare a video camera SS take notes SS make sketch
After Excursion SS share oral recount to friends with a sequence of pictures Ask guiding questions to help students write SS write own recount.